Page 39 of Spark

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“We’ll be home soon.” I reach over and hang up the call.

I slowly meet her eyes, which are full of remorse and scared for the first time ever since I met her.

“Sarah is my baby sister, you crazy woman.” I shake her slightly, and her mouth drops open.

“Oh,” I nod and back away from her.

“We’re stressed out and emotional, but dammit to hell, when are you going to trust me?” I kick a chair in frustration and pace it off with my hands on my hips.

I run my hands through my hair and sigh when I find her crying.

“I love you, toxic and all, but you gotta let me in. I won’t chase you forever, little mouse. Especially if you make me feel like you don’t ever want to be caught, so make a decision now. Are you gonna let me love you and that baby or not?” She hiccups, and a sob falls from her lips.

“I’ll help you get her back either way.” She nods, and I help her to her feet.

“Yes,” She whispers.

“Come again? I didn’t hear that.” I lean in closer, and she pushes me away.

“You heard me fine, you stubborn asshole. Yes, I trust you. Yes, I’ll let you love me. You get my little girl back, and I’ll love you to the end of time. But I wouldn’t ever make it easy.” I chuckle and nod.

“Never thought you would, lass. Let’s go.” I take her hand and open the door to the conference room.

The hallway is crawling with security and police. We still need to give our statements, but I’m taking my woman home. They can come to speak to us there. I have planning to do and it’s not happening here.

“Sir?” I walk up to the officer, talking to Dr. Espinosa.

“Listen, I’m taking her home. She needs to be somewhere else. The address is on file. We’re available for our interviews when you’re ready.” I shake both their hands and turn Mercy towards the main doors.

“Mr. Hamilton!” A security officer stops in front of us and hands Lucy’s toy loin to Mercy.

“I hope you find her soon.” I nod.

“We will.” I get Mercy out to the truck and plug my phone in to charge.

As soon as it turns back on, I start getting a ton of messages.

“Tell me about your sister. You’ve never mentioned her.” I roll my eyes.

“There’s a twelve-year age difference between us. She’s in college for fashion design. We honestly don’t have too much in common. No one says so, but she’s Aiden’s daughter biologically. So we don’t even look alike. She’s got long, straight brown hair and olive skin. She’s twenty-one and still looks sixteen. When we’re together in public, she tells people I’m her sugar daddy. She’s just a regular old annoying little sister.” I shrug as I drive us to the clubhouse.

I keep talking to distract her from her misery. But when we pull up and park, we can’t put it off anymore.

“I can’t pick Spark. I can’t lose anyone else.” Tears roll down her face.

“You won’t.”

God help me that I didn’t just lie to her.

* * *

The club is actively searching for Lucy and Porscha while Mercy, and I give our formal interviews to the police. There’s an active Amber Alert now and a one hundred thousand dollar reward for information.

Abel gave a statement to the local news station that The Dahlia Initiative would double it if she’s found before Midnight, but so far, no valid tips have come in.

The police are pissed that all the phony tips are impeding with the investigation, but Abel’s smug ass knew what he was doing. While the police are chasing dead ends, they’ll stay out of our way of getting the girls back.

While Mercy and I spoke about Lucy to the police, Abel and Glitch were able to track the stolen ambulance that took Lucy from the hospital along with the van that left a cargo hanger where a private plane registered to Moses Baker landed from Daytona a few hours ago.
