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“Look, Mom. Reno knows how to play fetch.”

“You’re doing a good job teaching him,” Clara said.

She looked at her handsome son with his wide grin and her heart swelled with pride and love. Her marriage to John might have been a disaster, but she got one great thing out of it.

“PlayingSorry!with Dillon last night was a lot of fun,” Zeke said.

“It was, wasn’t it?” Clara said. “I had a lot of fun, too.

“Is Dillon going to come over again tonight?” he asked.

“I don’t think so,” Clara said. “He has his own house that he eats at.”

“Mom, is Dillon your boyfriend?” Zeke asked.

Clara was shocked.Where would Zeke have heard that phrase?

“No. Dillon is just our friend,” Clara said.

“I like him being my friend,” Zeke said.

“Me, too,” Clara replied. “I’m going to be in the kitchen for a few minutes if you need me.”

“Okay, Mom. I’ll be here.”

She ruffled his hair and headed into the kitchen to check on the pastries.

Clara thought about Zeke’s question.

“I wish I knew the answer to that one,” Clara said to herself.



Dillon hated to leave Clara right after they had sex, but he didn’t feel right about staying the night. Zeke would want to know why, and Dillon didn’t have the answers. He doubted that Clara did either.

He had to admit that he loved holding the woman in his arms. He wouldn’t have minded laying there all night snuggled up against her. It just felt right, and she fit against his body perfectly, as though they were made for each other.

This was the second time that they had sex. Both times, it felt like more than a casual fuck. There was some kind of chemistry between the two of them that intensified the feelings.

He normally wouldn’t have thought about having sex on a first date, but he had wanted her like he had never wanted another woman. Something about her was magnetic and drew her to him.

He pictured her in his mind and thought about how gorgeous she was, with or without clothes. Dillon loved her smile, her sense of humor. He also loved how she doted on her son. She was an incredible mother.

The question was, what exactly did he feel for her? It was way too soon to be thinking about the “l” word. They had only been out a few times together. However, what he felt was definitely more than just a casual like.

Even when he was in his semi-serious relationships, he had never found himself looking forward to seeing his lovers the way that he looked forward to seeing Clara.

Maybe it’s just because everything is so new,he thought.Let’s see where this goes.

Dillon smiled when he remembered the scene he watched as she had put Zeke to bed. She had her arm wrapped around him as they shared the book together. Once they were done reading, she had tucked him into bed and kissed his forehead. It was almost the same as the way that his mother had put him to bed when he was a kid.

He sighed at the thought of his mother. He hadn’t seen his folks since he had come to the human world to monitor the situation. He decided that he would make time to drop in on them the next time he went to the shifter world.

Dillon sighed. He would still be in the shifter world if it wasn’t for this mess with the war. Everything had been fine for a long time. Although the legend was always prevalent, the shifters and the Faisons seemed to be living together just fine. Then, out of the blue, the Faisons ramped up the war and renewed their passion for getting rid of all the shifters in the area. Dillon doubted that they even felt the original grudge. Right now it was simply hatred for the sake of hatred.

Yawning widely, he reminded himself that he had a busy day the next morning, and he snuggled into his bed to sleep.
