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“I could have lost Clara. A couple of inches in either direction and John would have hit vital organs. If I hadn’t arrived right when I had, he would have stabbed her to death,” Dillon said.

The thought that he could have lost her scared the hell out of him.

“I love her,” he said. “I’ve fallen in love with her.”

He was astonished at the revelation. Dillon never expected that he would fall in love, especially with a human. He thought of the way that her scent lingered and seemed to permeate every cell.

“She is my fated mate,” he said.

His parents had talked about how they were fated mates – two people destined to be together. Dillon had always dismissed it as romantic fantasy. Now, he understood what they were talking about.

Dillon went to the jewelry store and found a ring that he thought that Clara would love. It was white gold with a marquis diamond.

Clara smiled widely when she saw him. She opened up her arms for a hug.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Better. I’m able to walk slowly to the bathroom, so that is a good start,” she said. “I’m still sore, but I’ve asked them to cut back on the morphine.”

They talked for a few minutes and then Dillon sat next to her on the bed. He brought out the box.

“Clara, this incident has made me realize how much I love you. My life has been so much fuller since you and Zeke came into it. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard.

“Dillon, I love you and I have for a long time. But I can’t marry you. I went down that road before and it turned out badly.”

Dillon felt as though he had just been slapped in the face. He didn’t know what to say, so he kissed her on the forehead and left.

Feeling a little lost, Dillon drove the hour to Phantom Canyon. He shifted and ran until he was exhausted.

Where do we go from here?he wondered.I can’t just walk away from her. I love her and she says that she loves me, too. Do we just keep going like we have been?

Dillon wanted more but decided that he would rather have Clara and Zeke in his life as they had been rather than to lose them altogether.

He was tired and sore by the time he made it back to his truck. His mind was blank as he automatically drove to his store.

The lure of coffee was too strong.

“Dillon,” Zeke exclaimed, running up to him.

“Hey there, big guy. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing great. I taught Reno a new trick. He can roll over now,” Zeke said.

“Show me,” Dillon replied.

Zeke proudly showed Dillon how the puppy rolled over and then waited for his treat. Dillon smiled and clapped.

“You two are amazing,” Dillon said.

They walked back to their nook and Dillon ordered coffee and a pastry.

Jamie looked at him speculatively and said, “Something’s up. What’s up?”

“Are you reading my thoughts?” Dillon asked.

“Nope, just your emotions. You seem off,” Jamie said.
