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“Yeah, but I would be happy if she just took a couple of hours to hang out with me,” Ethan said.

“You like her?” Dillon asked.

“I do. I enjoy spending time with her. It’s not like I’ve fallen in love or anything with her, but she is a lot of fun,” Ethan said.

“You wouldn’t be thinking about a serious relationship, would you?” Dillon teased.

“No. Nothing like that,” Ethan insisted.

Dillon just smiled at him and nodded.

“What about you and Clara?” Ethan asked.

Dillon shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Both Charlie and Jamie said that I should give her some time. I guess that I can understand that being stabbed by her ex-husband is a traumatic experience. She just needs to understand that I’m nothing like that bastard.”

“She knows. I’m sure that she’s just in shock,” Ethan said. “She’ll figure things out and come around.”

“I hope so,” Dillon said. “Meanwhile, I guess that we’ll just keep doing what we’ve been doing all along. Hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.”

“Isn’t that what marriage is, only you’re hanging out a lot more often, doing each other’s laundry, and paying bills together?” Ethan asked with a huge smile.

“I think that there’s a little more to it than that.” Dillon laughed.

Ethan shrugged and said, “Don’t ask me. I’m not the expert on romance.”

“I can see that,” Dillon said.

Ethan pulled on his shoes and said, “I’m going to mingle with some folks today to see if there is any interesting news. I might go up to the resort and see if Brent has heard anything interesting.”

“Let me know what you find out,” Dillon said.

Ethan left. Dillon still had an hour before he needed to head to the store so he pulled out his phone and checked some of the news apps. Some of the headlines about the celebrities made him shake his head in disbelief.

He was surprised to hear a knock on his door.

“Clara, what are you doing here?” he asked.

“Can we talk?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said, with a sinking feeling.

He led the way into his living room. She pulled her hand out from behind her back and handed him a bouquet of flowers.

His eyes widened with surprise.

“You brought me flowers?” he asked.

“I hope that you like them,” she said.

“Of course, I do. I don’t happen to have any vases in the house, though,” he said.

“A tall glass will do,” she said.

He went into the kitchen and found a glass pitcher in one of his cupboards. Clara watched him silently as he put water in the pitcher and then put the flowers in. He set them on the kitchen table.

“Do I smell coffee?” Clara asked.

“Yes, would you like a cup?” Dillon replied, already getting a cup out for her.
