Page 43 of Wrong For You

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“I could just look at this darling face all day. Her poops are probably cute too.”

Joy shifts beside me, a hiss escaping her with the subtle movement. “They kinda are, gross as that seems. Cole and I fight over who gets to change her.”

“How will you get anything done?” The gah-gah babbled tone spills out naturally.

“Good question. I might just stay home with her until she goes to school.”

That gets me to swing my gaze to her. “Not funny. I can’t run the studio without you.”

My bestie flicks lint off the blanket covering her lap. “Maybe she’ll be our sidekick then.”

“I’m good with that,” I croon at the sleeping beauty.

“Can I have that in writing?”

Amusement bursts from me, startling the newborn wide awake. I begin a gentle sway while humming and her lashes flutter closed. Crisis averted. “Don’t worry about proof. If it were up to me, I’d never leave this baby’s side.”

“Crazy how fast the bond forms, huh?”

“I’m literally wrapped around her little fingers.” I hold up my thumb that she’s clutching with all her might.

Belle Everly Baker was born last night on March ninth, just a few days after her due date. The late arrival is only fitting, seeing as Joy has the tendency to run several minutes behind schedule. This tiny treasure is already teaching her mother a valuable lesson in tardiness etiquette.

I watch in complete fascination as a huge yawn stretches Belle’s squished features. A contented sigh breezes from her next. She wriggles a bit and I adjust my hold. Praise for my efforts comes in the form of quiet snores.

“Good work, Mama. She’s perfect.”

“She is, isn’t she?” Well-deserved pride radiates from Joy’s voice.

“Is Cole head over heels?”

“Totally smitten. I’m shocked he willingly left to get food.”

“Mama has to make the milk, doesn’t she?” This goo-goo voice might be permanent.

“The manufacturing equipment has switched on. My boobs suddenly get really hot and hard. It’s a strange sensation.” She tugs at her tied robe to inspect the ladies.

I lift my brows. “Wow, that’s fast. Doesn’t it usually take a few days?”

Joy shrugs. “She latched on almost instantly, which probably jump starts production.”

Makes sense, not that I have any real knowledge. “How was labor and delivery?”

“A painful blur. But once they put Belle on my chest, nothing else mattered.”

“No complications?”

“None. She took it easy on me.”

“Just saving it up for when she’s older,” I tease.

She sputters in exaggerated outrage. “Why would you even joke about that?”

“Eh, it’s an old wives’ tale or whatever. You know you’re getting the sass handed right back to you.”

“I wasn’t that bad,” she mutters.

My snort calls her bullshit. “Your mom might disagree.”
