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“Hear what?” I asked at the same time Beckett answered, “Nope, no gossip about you.”

“Oh. Okay. Good.”

Andi didn’t sound all that reassured though. While Beckett excused himself to the bedroom, I decided to linger a while to give him some alone time to settle in. Tonight would be our first night sharing a bed while sober, and I wanted him to relax as much as possible in this situation.

Plus, it seemed like Andi could use a friendly ear. I leaned my forearms on the breakfast bar across from her. “Did you want us to hear gossip?”

“No, not exactly…”


She pulled a face. “I just hoped he was so miserable without me that he’d make it obvious and everyone would be saying what an idiot he was.”

I burst into a laugh. “You don’t ask for much, huh?”

She stuck her tongue out. “Not any less than I deserve.”

“You do deserve that,” I said seriously. “He is an idiot, and I look forward to telling him to his face tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know. What do you think big brothers are for?”

She rolled her eyes. “I think you and Beck have your hands full with work. Dad put the screws to you. I didn’t come here to stir up trouble with Colt and the crew.”

“Yeah, I know, but if you think I won’t tell him to watch himself with my baby sister, you don’t know me very well.”

She huffed a laugh and put her bowl in the sink. “Okay, macho man, I’m going to bed. I can’t stop you from calling Colt out. Just don’t make me kick your ass for being an idiot about it too.”

I snickered, the image of my petite sister trying to kick my ass an amusing one, then turned out the lights and crept into the bedroom.

I shed my clothes as quietly as I could in the dark. I could see Beck on his side, eyes closed, but I was pretty sure he was only pretending to be asleep.

As I settled onto my side of the bed, my shoulder brushed his, and my foot bumped into his leg, barely an inch between us. “Sorry,” I whispered.

“It’s fine,” he murmured, confirming my suspicion he’d been awake all along.

I turned on my left side, but that only caused my ass to rub against his hip. “Well, shit.”

Beckett actually laughed, which felt a little like a miracle after the tense night we’d had.

He shifted beside me in the bed, kicking me this time. “Oops, my bad. This is a tight fit.”

“It was easier when you were passed-out drunk. You didn’t move all night.”

Beckett flicked me in the back of the head. “Asshole.”

I chuckled, feeling some of the tension between us ease. “See? This isn’t sexy at all. It’s…”

“Claustrophobic? Yeah, you’re right. Maybe you’ll annoy me so much, I won’t want—”

He stopped short, but I could guess the rest. He wouldn’t want me. I rolled onto my other side to face him, nearly getting a knee in the groin for my trouble. I kept my hips back, well away from any danger zones.

“I’ve been known to be a blanket hog,” I admitted.

“Not on my watch,” Beckett said, tugging the blankets a little tighter to him.

I grinned. “Remember that camping trip in the mountains when we were eighteen?”
