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“Damn it!”

Her hair just wouldn’t cooperate this morning.

Madison fumbled with it, trying to pin it back from her face so she could be off to work.

She sat in front of her vanity in the master suite of the castle of her betrothed.

Fletcher was King of all Willowfrost, which would soon be Madison’s as well. She had been living with him for over a month now while he slept in the smaller room next to hers. Sometimes, he even slept in his office.

Madison laughed to herself. "Will you behave this time?" she asked her hair rhetorically as she tried one last time to fix it.

She and Fletcher had been sleeping together while she stayed at the castle, married or not.

That’s why she thought it was so funny that they still had separate bedrooms.

If they were betrothed, then why put off knowing what the wedding night would be like? It also didn’t hurt that Fletcher was hot. He was strong, fit, determined, and knew what he wanted with a driving will to protect all who mattered to him. If that wasn’t a turn-on, Madison didn’t know what was.

Plus, they both had needs. Raging, full-of-desire needs. And as a wolf shifter, he was insatiable, not that she minded.

Madison supposed she was happy about the distance. She liked her space, especially while trying to figure out someone else’s mind.

She already knew what she thought about this whole ordeal. Even though she and Fletcher were bound by a royal contract, she had actual feelings for him. The problem was that she didn’t know how he felt about her.

They got along great, but Madison couldn’t tell if it was an act because of the contract or because he actually did feel something for her. She thought it might be the latter based on the way he acted and seemed to look at her. She simply couldn’t be sure.

Usually, this thing wouldn’t be a worry for her because she had bigger things on her mind, but it couldn’t help but weigh on her lately.

All of her sisters were married off to their arranged marriage husbands, and all had ended happily for them, so why should she be any different?

"Because I'm the last one," she muttered.

Madison wasn’t bitter about it. But the entire situation meant she had high expectations of her future marriage.

Madison was also conscious of the fact that this marriage could finally be the thing that allowed her to shift.

Her younger sisters had all unlocked their abilities to shift in a time of need, but onlyafterthey had found their mate. That is, with the exception of her twin, Addy. She had been the most recent one to get married off to her true mate, but she hadn’t been able to shift yet.

And the ability to shift still mattered to all of them, no matter how much they hated to admit it after so many years of enduring vicious bullying about their inability to shift. They had spent years perfecting the facade of “it doesn’t bother me” and “screw the full-blooded shifters.”

But despite the disguise, the truth was that each and every one of them desperately wanted to shift.

Now, it was just Madison and Addy left.

Sure, she had magic in her veins and tapped into it on a regular basis, specifically for her job working for her mother’s clothing line.

She had been particularly proud when she had come up with their biggest seller … fabric that disappeared when a shifter transformed into animal form and then reappeared when they were back to human form. Thus, no more naked shifters.

But their militaries were the groups that benefited the most and proved to be the most lucrative.

To be able to shift and have nothing holding you back, but also to shift back to your human form when you needed to and still be fully clothed and protected … that was important and special.

On the back of the success with the military uniforms, Madison was also working on interweaving her special magical material into other things like weapons and military vehicles.

The trick was the special fabric she had created using two plants that had natural magic properties. These plants, blended with Madison’s magic, allowed the fabric toshiftalong with the wearer.
