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Trenton also wore a traditional robe, a garment assigned to the beta during his own coronation ceremony back when he and Fletcher were young pups. Pinned to his chest was the Willowfrost coat of arms in a tiny gold emblem. A willow tree, of course, veiled in a snowy countenance.

Fletcher smiled, then clapped his friend on the shoulder. Trenton smiled back, removed from his duties for a flicker of a moment.

“I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, Trenton. You, more than anyone, deserve to lie back and relax a bit.”

Trenton continued to grin, then turned to pick up a box that was smooth with a cherry oak varnish, swathed in cloth embodied in the same Willowfrost emblem that adored his robes. Fletcher knew what it was, of course. The box contained the Crown of the Kingdom, only worn on the most revered of occasions.

“I’m afraid I can’t let myself enjoy the day until my duties are done, dear King. But I promise you once they are, I will follow suit.”

Fletcher grinned at his loyal friend, stinging tears blurring his vision as he watched his beta unwrap the box, place the cloth aside carefully, and then slide his fingers beneath the opening. He lifted it up to reveal a glimmering coil of gold infused with rubies and gems of various shades of frosty blue. Next to it was another crown, nearly identical in appearance but with a flair of fox red and bloodied orange encrusted jewels.

The colors of the Hart family merged with the Daniels blended into a single incarnation of their two united kingdoms. The sight of them both in the same royal velvet encasement was dazzling.

“Remarkable,” Fletcher said, running his fingers over what would be Madison's crown.

“Have you not seen it?” Trenton inquired.

The king shook his head, marveling at the sight. “It was processed by the goldsmith last week. I didn’t want to see it till today.”

Fletcher swallowed, the reality of the day washing over him like a sweet brush of wind. He had found his darling and, despite her original inability to connect with the concept of mates, had eventually fallen as hard for him as he had for her.

The ceremony began with Trenton standing under the white cherry blossom tree as both the king and his queen walked toward each other from opposing directions. A harp sang as Fletcher laid eyes on his mate, finding himself utterly breathless.

Dusk had crested over the horizon, washing over her auburn locks, causing them to emit an enchanting glow. Her warm eyes beckoned him with certainty. Her hands clutched a bouquet of emerald-stemmed lavender, solid and firm.

The lips that he had touched and kissed a million times twinkled with a dusting of peachy pink, a smile that grew and reached her eyes. Her magnificent dress in the shades of her kingdom flowed down her waist and hips like a gentle river, flaring outward like a rose.

She was an absolute dream, one that made him tremble. There was hardly anything in his entire world that made him shake, but when it came to Madison, he welcomed it. They approached one another, entangling their hands into each other’s, then turned to face their family and peers.

“Welcome, one and all, to the royal mating ceremony of Fletcher Daniels of Willowfrost and Madison Hart of Autumhart,” Trenton announced.

Wolf tradition called for them to make solemn vows to both the mate and the people of the kingdom before the crowning event took place. The words were not their own, having been repeated by their parents and the parents before theirs, but their gazes were, as well as the grip of their hands when Trenton made the final announcement.

“Let us rejoice in the celebration of the union between our King and new Queen, Madison Hart-Daniels!"

Everyone stood from their seats and applauded, some politely, some with more vigor and passion. Trenton had placed the crown upon Madison’s lovely head, which she was only expected to wear for an hour after the ceremony, and it sat there, proud and victorious. They faced their people hand-in-hand, relishing in the joy. But Fletcher couldn’t keep his eyes from darting to his new queen.

The crown had always belonged on that gorgeous head. That wonderfully magical and dedicated woman, smiling and laughing, was his for eternity. And he was hers.

She turned to him amid the ovation, a mischievous smirk tickling her lips.

“What?”she mouthed playfully.

The king shook his head, holding her hand high as silky petals from the tree rained down over them. It was set to be a full moon that night as per tradition.

“Just you,”he mouthed back.“I love you.”

Madison hadn’t changed overnight the way her family and, hell, maybe even Fletcher had expected when she finally came into bloom with her wolf self. She had become more of herself. He saw it at the ceremony, the way her nostrils flared, her pulse quickening. Her wolf was still young, seeking pleasure and freedom.

He was going to be more than happy to quench the thirst of her every desire.

They walked away from the tree and through the gardens, back to where the rest of the celebration was set to take place. They first greeted his mother and sisters, aunt and uncle, and then each guest in the royal tent, torches of flickering, orange light placed next to the thrones, their hands permanently intertwined.

Fletcher was beyond impressed with the way Madison had adapted to the role in a matter of only a few minutes. She was still her bubbly, sweet, and blunt self, but she knew when to dull the blows and when to pull back on the sugary sentiments. The majority of the guests were enthralled by her presence, having already grown accustomed to his. He didn't blame them one bit.

But when her family arrived, they paraded right through the center of the tent like little chicks running toward the dinner pail. All propensity for formality was thrown aside.

“Sister!” Addison called out.
