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A few gunshots went off. Lily’s heart hammered, but she kept moving. She did her best not to press too hard against the walls of the cave so as to not break the bulb nestled safely in her pocket. She had no idea what would happen if it was disturbed. She thought about Aladdin and the magic lamp and the eruption that followed as the boy stole the artifact from the Cave of Wonders.

Lily emerged from the cave, sweating and panicked. It was just as she supposed. All three of the men had shifted and were protecting her from being attacked. The men with guns were fleeing, the sight of abnormally sized tigers leaving them startled and a few injured.

They watched until the darkness swallowed them, and then Lily fell to the ground with relief. She plopped down, the adrenaline that had surged through her body the entire day finally crashing.

Gabriel shifted back and redressed, instructing Levi and Frederic to keep watch. He came to her and took her by the shoulders.

“Do you have it?” he asked frantically.

Lily nodded and pulled it from her pocket. Gabriel took it from her with the same level of delicacy she had taken it from the stone and let it settle in the palm of his much larger hand.

The other shifters immediately turned. It shined in that neon green glow, washing Gabriel’s face in an ethereal light.

“It’s real,” Gabriel murmured.

A sacred treasure that had been hidden for hundreds of years sat in the hands of the man she was falling head over heels for. And it could bring about his absolute demise.



Gabriel informed the group what their next move would be. They’d convoy a couple of towns away and crash at a hotel.

It was already late once they made it back and decided where they needed to go next. It didn’t matter. They all wanted to keep moving. The adrenaline of finding one of the relics was enough to keep all of them wired through the night.

However, the alpha in Gabriel knew they needed rest. They had to keep ahead of the hunters in finding the next relic.

It was early in the morning and still dark when they arrived at a hotel Gabriel had randomly picked. He wanted to be as unpredictable as possible so everything from one location to the next would be on a whim. Until he knew exactly what they were dealing with, not only concerning the relics but the hunters as well, he wanted to stay out of their range.

He needed a plan. It just hadn’t come to him yet. The more time, the better.

They pulled in, and everyone piled out of the two vehicles.

“Levi, go in and get us two rooms. At least one with double beds. That’ll be for you boys.” Gabriel smirked as he grabbed a bag from the back seat.

“We all have to bunk together?” Frederic protested.

“Well, not together. What you two do together is your business,” he teased his younger enforcers. “But share a room, yes.”

Before there could be any more protests, Gabriel gave a look to Levi, reminding him subtly that he had been given a task by his alpha.

Levi went to the office.

“Does that mean you and I will be sharing a room?” he heard Lily purr as she leaned over him to grab her bag. Her breasts conveniently pushed against Gabriel’s body. Despite everything that they had just been through, his cock still hardened. “Yes.” He shut the vehicle doors and looked at his mate.

He couldn’t help but be aroused every moment he was in her presence. Especially when she stared at him with her ever-changing hazel eyes. Now, with a smile playing on her soft pink lips and a small victory in their court, all he wanted was those lips wrapped around his dick.

As a vision of Lily on her hands and knees in front of him played in Gabriel’s mind, Levi came back with the keys.

“Here’s a key to your room. We’re staggered, but that’s okay. Not too far away from one another. Both rooms are the same as well. Two beds, one window, a TV, and a bathroom. The basics.”

“Sounds good. We’ll catch a couple hours of sleep and rally to the next point after that.”

They all nodded their understanding to their alpha.

“Room 111 for that key,” Levi answered Gabriel’s unasked question when he glanced at the key in his hand. “And we’ll be in room 115.”

They said their quick goodnights before heading to their rooms.
