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“Fuck,” she muttered.

That was all the motivation Gabriel needed. He called Piper, who answered on the first ring. Then he called the doctors, who were speeding through the nearest town. He took Lily by the hand, who by that point was only wearing a loose T-shirt and baggy shorts.

"Let's get that rascal out of you,” he said.

Gabriel lifted her into the car, bringing a blanket that she found comforting, along with a change of clothes. They were both incredibly prepared people, which reassured Lily when the bolts of pain shuddered down to her bones.

She grunted in the back seat of the car while Gabriel zoomed down the street. Piper waited with open arms, but Lily barely noticed. She was too busy dealing with the shockwaves of torment running up and down her lower belly and pelvis.

“That little one is knocking!” Piper exclaimed.

They went into a room opposite the one where they had confirmed the pregnancy. It was decorated in the same witch doctor’s whimsy. Except the bed looked a lot more like a hospital bed, and there was a window, showcasing the big, bright, blue sky.

The doctors dashed in soon after. One was a man around Lily's age, skinny and serious, while the other was a rather curvy and outgoing redhead. They stood next to her on both sides of the bed while Piper snapped her gloves on, performing the reiki that would guide the baby out safely.

“How long ago did the contractions start?” the redhead asked.

Gabriel blinked a few times, the exhaustion showing on his face.

“A few hours now. Lily wanted to wait.”

Lily was far too distracted by what was going on inside her to answer. She felt like the kid was doing backflips, or at least, karate chopping the air.

“Ooooh!" she screeched.

Piper placed the tip of her finger against the mountain of Lily’s belly. The redhead used a stethoscope, which was a little chilly.

“Heart rate is normal.”

“I think your baby is ready to come out,” Piper said softly.

Labor for a first child was anything but easy. She knew that based on any and every movie she had ever seen and every book she had ever read. She was soothed by some herbs and lotion that Piper applied while Gabriel stood by, watching closely.

His energy was powerful and palpable in the room. He was like the sun, nourishing her in her time of need.

Lily lay coated in sweat for nearly ten hours, waiting for their child to arrive. One of the human doctors discussed pain meds in her IV and agreed that it was something the shifter DNA could cope with.

She felt the endorphins flowing through her when it finally came time to push. The pain was slightly dulled but nevertheless present. Gabriel stood by her as she placed her legs in the stirrups, with Piper standing at the end of her open legs like a goalie waiting to block the next goal.

“All right, sweetheart, let's push!” Piper bellowed in encouragement.

Lily pushed, and pushed, and pushed. Her vision turned white as her pelvic muscles strained. Then, the most beautiful sound in the world shattered any and every memory of the pain.

Cries. A precious little gem of a being, pink and bellowing, had captured her heart.

“Congratulations!” Piper said with a jovial laugh. “You are parents to a healthy little boy!”

Lily burst into tears, her body giving in to the adrenaline crash. Gabriel stood there with his hand over his mouth. His eyes were vivid jewels of sea glass, astonished by what their love had created.

“My God,” he muttered.

Piper quickly cleaned off the remnants of blood and liquid while the doctors checked his vitals. Gabriel cut the cord, as was both human and shifter tradition, his hand trembling with immaculate joy.

“He already looks like you,” Piper said, wrapping him in a yellow blanket.

Lily was a mess. Her body was ready to shut down, but there was no way she was going to before she held her son. Piper handed him to her, his mouth wide in a yawn, his eyes pressed closed with cautious wonder.

“He is beautiful,” Lily said through sobs.
