Page 38 of Promised

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My eyes burned, but no tears fell as the car stopped. I was dry. I’d used up all the tears for the night.

I finally took a breath as Adam got out of the car. His presence next to me was like knowing a bomb was nearby. Ticking down the seconds until it exploded and killed you. And there was nothing you could do to prevent it.

I wouldn’t stop him from hurting me. I’d earned his hatred. I deserved his pain. But not now. I just wanted to go home and sleep. Forget. Try and piece myself back together again. But of course, he wouldn’t give me that chance.

My gaze flicked to his as my door opened. I didn’t move as he reached out a hand. “Come inside.”

I glanced at the house behind him in confusion. It was a beautiful stone cottage. A ranch with white shutters on the windows and an inviting red door. Beyond it were woods.

It looked tucked away. But not creepy. It made me feel happy. Like walking into a storybook. Like nothing bad could ever happen here.

But I still couldn’t make my body move. I felt paralyzed as Adam stared at me. I had no idea where he’d brought me or why. So he could hurt me more?

There wasn’t anything left for him to take. He already had my heart. My body. My mind. It had all been stomped on by him. Never to be the same again.

He nodded his head at the house. “Let’s talk.”

I turned my gaze towards the front of the car so I didn’t have to look at him. But I could still feel the heat from his body. Smell his woody scent.

I wondered if I would ever stop sensing him like this. Seven years hadn’t been enough time. Maybe there never would be.

I should hate him for the way he’d taken me earlier. Pinning me to the wall and fucking me like I was his worst enemy. But instead, I hated myself because I’d enjoyed it. I’d come twice, and I would’ve taken more. I would’ve taken everything he gave me because as much as it disgusted me, I still craved his touch.

“I’m clean.” My voice was lifeless as I spoke. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”

“That’s not—.” I saw him run a hand through his hair from the corner of my eye. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he exhaled harshly. “So am I. But that’s not what I want to talk about.”

I could feel his frustration. The quiet rage that simmered under the surface. Waiting to attack me again. I kept my eyes forward because even through his anger, I wanted to lean on him. If I looked at him, I’d never be able to turn away.

What happened earlier in the closet proved that. He’d hurt me. And I still wanted him. Practically begged him.

“Just fucking come inside for two minutes.” There was something desperate in his voice that made me glance up. The pain in his blue eyes sucked me in, threatened to drown me. “Please.”

I chewed my lower lip as my heart beat faster. I shouldn’t give in. I should walk away like I said I was going to. But I knew I wouldn’t.

I could feel my resolve cracking. The itchiness under my skin as my control broke. My heels clicked as I stepped out of the car. My spine was as straight as an arrow as we walked to the front door.

Adam didn’t try to touch me as he stepped inside. I appreciated it even as I wanted him to. My blood hummed, being this close to him.

I could still feel the ache between my legs. The bruises on my body from being shoved around. The stickiness of his cum clinging to my skin. I was a mess, but I couldn’t stop wanting him.

I followed him through an open-concept first floor. The house was gorgeous, with a dining room to the left that opened into a kitchen. The living room to the right had vaulted ceilings with exposed wood beams. Some of the walls still had the original stone, but a lot of it had been updated with new finishes and expensive countertops. A hallway was just off the living room that I assumed led to bedrooms, but I didn’t ask.

It was clean, but there was an air of disuse about it. Like it was stagnant. Lost in time. There were no personal touches. No photos or decorations. No dishes in the sink or books left lying around, and drop cloths covered the furniture.

“Drink?” Adam asked as he opened a cupboard, producing a bottle of cheap vodka with dust on the label.

I gave a jerky nod, and he turned to grab two glasses. My hands shook as I dropped my bag on the counter, reaching for the drink he’d poured. I didn’t know why I was standing here. Or where here even was. But I knew I didn’t want to have whatever conversation he did. Certainly not sober.

I swallowed the harsh alcohol in one gulp. It burned my throat and did nothing to settle the acid in my gut. But I needed the numbness it would soon bring. I pushed my glass across the counter, tapping the edge so he’d fill it up.

We stood in silence after we both downed our second shot. His head hung between his shoulders as he pressed his hands into the countertops. I traced the rim of my glass as I waited for him.

But he didn’t seem eager to say anything. I wanted to get this over with and leave here. This house. This city. This life.

“What did you want to say?” His cold blue eyes pierced me in place as he lifted his head. The rage and pain stole my breath.

It was a mirror of my own. It was like if we weren’t in pain; we were numb. Dead inside.

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