Page 32 of Chasing Waves

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“That’s wild,” he repeated, shaking his head in disbelief. “Maybe it’s a sign?”

“A sign for what?”

“That, my friend, I don’t know. It’s a mystery for you to solve.”

We stayed out most of the day, the sets being pretty good. After we swam back in, we barbecued and watched a movie in the Airstream. My mind was so preoccupied with Charlee possibly being Bridger’s wife and what she and I had shared last night that I couldn’t focus on the movie that Drew was hysterically laughing at. After it was over, Drew went to bed, but I was restless, so I went for a walk even though it was past midnight. Charlee’s trailer was dark, unsurprising for this time of night, but a part of me wished she had been awake. I really wanted to talk to her and see her; instead, I settled for a stroll up to the cliffs. The view up there was stunning, especially at night.

Clouds were beginning to push in a storm and the air was getting chilly. I pulled my hood over my head and tucked my hands into the front pocket and continued to the overlook. My breath caught in my chest as I turned the corner of the café and caught Charlee standing near the cliff edge. She was wearing sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt, but she still looked cold with her arms wrapped tightly around her chest. What was she doing out here so late and in this weather?

Charlee didn’t hear me approaching. She seemed to be somewhere else entirely, because when I touched her arm lightly, she startled, grabbing her chest.

“Levi. What are you doing here?” she asked as she caught her breath. “You scared the crap out of me.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” We locked eyes for a moment and my whole body reacted. When she looked back to the ocean, I continued, “It’s not the best weather to be taking in the scenery, and if you didn’t notice, it’s the middle of the night.”

“Yet here we both are,” she said softly, not breaking her gaze from the ocean. “I got married right here in this very spot.” A smile lit up her face, no doubt lost in the memory.

My heart sped up. This was my opportunity to ask her about the date on the calendar, but I chickened out. “I bet it was a beautiful wedding,” was all I could come up with.

“It was,” she agreed. “Luck would have it that it was supposed to rain on the day we picked. I was so devastated, like that was the worst thing that could happen to us.” She scoffed as she turned her head the opposite of me and brushed her cheek.

It crushed me seeing her in so much pain.

“Did it rain?” I asked, hoping she would keep sharing. Maybe I wouldn’t have to ask her if Bridger was her late husband. Maybe she would tell me.

She shook her head. “It held out until the ceremony was over. It turned out to be a perfect day.” Her smile returned briefly.

She started to rub her arms and shiver, so instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly to me, and surprisingly, she didn’t resist my touch. I pulled her in just a little closer, and when she rested her head on my chest, I put my cheek on her head and melted into the moment.

She sniffled and pushed her face harder into my chest, her body shaking, but not from the cold this time.

Rubbing her back, I softly said, “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me.”

She fisted my sweatshirt and hugged me deeper.

I kissed her head, taking in the sweet saltiness that lingered on my lips. “We should get inside. Looks like this storm is going to dump a ton of rain soon.”

She pulled away slowly, looked up at me with those enchanting amber eyes, and softly kissed my lips. “Thank you for finding me.”


It wasn’t in the plan to be with Levi again. I had already led him on enough, but then there he was on the cliffs looking irresistible and being so sweet with me during my vulnerable state. I couldn’t deny the comfort he brought me. I fought his presence at first, not thinking there was room in my heart for anyone else, but I also didn’t expect I would ever feel so connected with someone again as I had begun feeling with Levi.

After Bridger died, my soul felt hollow and my heart felt so heavy with despair as if I were carrying thousands of pounds on my back across the ocean floor. And it remained that way until Levi. Had he not pursued me, I wouldn’t have thought twice about him because these days I barely thought even once about anyone or anything. It felt wrong, though. This beach was mine and Bridger’s special place, and I felt like I had tarnished it by being with another man here.


My stomach turned, and the familiar tickle in my chest I got when my anxiety was on the rise started. Had I done something wrong? It was only four more days until Bridger’s second death day, and here I was messing around with a guy a decade younger than me.

What would Bridger think of me now?

Bridger and I had sat on a large blanket spread out on the sand, wrapped in towels to cover our wet, naked bodies. We had just finished our annual skinny-dip and were taking in the beauty of the moon as it reflected on the calm ocean water, a warm breeze keeping us from shivering. It was just past midnight and officially our thirteenth wedding anniversary.

Our last. The doctor said he only had months left now. I was surprised he could make the swim with how weak he had become recently.

I tried to push the thought away and just be present with Bridger.

“It’s a perfect night.” Bridger smiled, his deep dimple displayed. I was tucked safely between his knees.

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