Page 87 of Reckless Bonds

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They’re on the tip of my tongue, but for some reason I’m not ready to say it yet. I know that Sunder can sense it through the bond, but for some reason it’s not quite time to have it surface yet.

Our bond is beautiful. Unbreakable. Golden, even.

But beneath all that, I can see that it’s not yet complete.

There’s more work to be done.

But for Sunder and I, it’s time to celebrate. I pull back and smile at him. “Do you want to see what this mating bond can do?”

His smile is just as bright. “Absolutely, Mira my love.”

As we celebrate and play with our new bond through the night, we practice sending feelings through the bond to each other. Sometime well after midnight, it occurs to me to try to unlock my specialization again.

“Maybe if I send a steady stream into you?” I suggest, a steady trickle of my crimson Chroma flowing into Sunder. “How does green work?”

“It was a feeling more than anything. I wish I could explain it. It just felt different when it touched someone, and I can bend that person’s perception.” He trails off with a slight shrug. My lips turn in a disappointed frown.

When the sky outside begins to lighten announcing the upcoming dawn. Sunder notes the approaching dawn with a grimace. “Perhaps we should rest.”

“Perhaps we should,” I yawn. I realize now that I am quite tired, and I crawl into the bed. Sunder hesitates before crawling in next to me.

I turn to look at him. “Do you… want to be here?”

He blinks. “At the tower of a mage who demands payment to unify my soul?”

“No,” I laugh softly. “In bed. With me.”

Sunder sighs and pulls me closer to him. I nuzzle into his chest, my nose touching the firm pillow of his pecs. “I have always wanted this,” his voice rumbles. “I was merely too stupid to ask for it.”

I laugh slightly. “I’ll say.”

“I am sorry, Mira. I truly have treated you terribly. The rest of my days are yours, in this life and every life after. My sole purpose will be making you happy.”

His voice is deep and rough like gravel. It feels like he might be on the edge of tears. I kiss his sternum, and he wraps his arms around me. “You don’t need to spend that long on me,” I whisper. I’m blinking now, sleep curling around me as softly as Bobble’s tail.

“I will spend forever on you, Mira my love,” I hear him whisper.

It’s the last thing in my mind as I drift off to sleep.

Chapter Thirty-Four


The following morning, I’m woken by the songs of birds chirping outside my window. A small note, scrawled in Sunder’s hand rests beside my bedside table.

“If you need me, I’ll be in the library. Don’t let on about the bond,” it reads.

I scoff to myself as I scope out the decadent breakfast tray waiting on the table. I’d never let a nosy peeping Tom in on our secret, even if it is something that he likely already knows. As if I would let Yurghen use the bond against us.

Next to the tray, there’s a silky lilac dress laid out for me. I eye the slit skirt and plunging neckline.

I doubt Sunder picked this out for me.

Between the assorted pastries, thick buttery spreads, and jams, this looks like the proper ratio of sugar and carbs that I’ve been missing. I slather a thick layer of clotted cream on what looks like a traditional British scone before topping it with a thin layer of strawberry preserves. I pop the treat into my mouth. A long moan rumbles in my throat as it practically melts in my mouth.

Damn. That wizard can bake. Or the servants can.

I call out for Bobble around a mouthful of food, then take a sip from the steaming teacup.
