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Evare wasn’t Earth.

That, at least, was a true positive in the situation.



My Earth self had a degree in a field I no longer wanted to work in, and was entirely alone. Assuming Serae was telling the truth, at the very least, I wouldn’t be alone in the near future.

I wasn’t sure what she meant by themateandclaimthings, but I’d figure it out if there was no other option.

However, I didn’t want to touch thelustthing with a ten-foot pole. I’d fooled around with a few guys in high school and college, and had never really enjoyed it all that much. It seemed safe to say that I was not a lusty person at heart, or in general.

My gaze caught on the wrapper on my thigh, and I remembered one final positive:

I still had my chocolate bar.



My eyes lingeredon the moons above me.

I finished off my candy way too quickly, and then had nothing to do but crinkle the plastic in my hand so I wouldn’t lose my mind.

Though I realized I could’ve tried to run away, I had no idea where I’d go. And if I ran, there was a possibility that I’d run the wrong way and end up being taken by someone worse than Serae or her shifters.

She had said the shifters wouldn’t hurt me. I didn’t trust her, but… well, what reason did she have to lie? She had already stolen me from Earth and abandoned me in the dead forest.

So, I waited.

Slowly, the moons crept higher in the sky.

And I continued waiting, trying to work through the fact that I’d been transported to an entirely different world and was soon going to beclaimed.

Two or threehours must’ve passed when I finally heard a long, low howl in the wind.

Dozens of others joined it, sending chills down my spine.


The shifters she had described must’ve been able to shift into wolves.

The damn sorceress had abandoned me in the forest to be claimed by awerewolf.


I wasn’t sure how far you could hear a wolf’s howl, but it had to be far, didn’t it?


A scream escaped me as a massive, light gray wolf launched out of the trees. I was nowhere near fast enough to dodge him, so I threw my hands over my face to protect myself as I braced for impact.

The impact didn’t come.

I slowly peeked my eyes open, and found a man in the wolf’s place.

The most beautiful man I had ever seen.
