Page 33 of Bain

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My fingers itch to say more, but I can’t. It means she would be more than what was agreed and we have to watch that boundary. I know Kiera would agree with me on that.

It doesn’t stop me from looking at my calendar the rest of that week, though, plotting through some other potential times we could hook up.

And there you go. Camden’s birthday.

“We’re still good to celebrate your birthday next Friday?” I ask him.

He doesn’t answer and my head turns his way. I see he’s got his earbuds in as he scrolls through his text messages.

Pressing pause on my music, I nudge Camden’s shoulder.

“What?” he asks, pulling out one bud.

“I asked if you’re still cool with us doing a little birthday celebration for you next week?”

Camden scowls. “What were you thinking?”

“Nothing fancy. Maybe we all go hang out at Stevie’s bar. We’ve got almost a week off so why not party one night, and your birthday is a great excuse.”

One of the best things about coming off this very long and exhausting road trip is that we’ve miraculously got several days off where we’ll be able to rest and recuperate, although there will be some practices and team meetings I’m sure.

“As long as there aren’t balloons and cake, and I’ll kill anyone who sings me happy birthday.”

I frown at him. “Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack,” he replies. “I don’t like that shit, but I’m down to hang out. Who all would be there?”

“Whoever you want, dude. It’s your birthday.”

“Just invite the team and SOs.”

Significant others. Is that what Kiera is to me? Because I’m damn well inviting her. Of course, I’ll invite her brother, too, so that might mean I have to keep my distance but at least I can look at her. As long as she comes home with me after, I’ll be satisfied.

“Coaches?” I ask Camden. That’s always a weird line when we party.

“Yeah, man. That’s cool.”

I punch him lightly on the shoulder. “Consider me your party coordinator. Any other requests other than no balloons, no cake and no singing?”

“Yeah, no puck bunnies.”

My eyes flare because this is a prime opportunity to get laid. I mean, I don’t need willing women there as I have Kiera and she’s more than enough for me, but it’s his birthday. I know plenty of women who would like to blow on his candle. “You’re kidding, right?”

He shakes his head. “The older I get, the less tolerance I have for that. Plus… they make a fuss and I don’t feel like having them hanging all over me.”

I have to suppress a laugh. “You are indeed, sincerely… a weird dude. I know no single hockey players who don’t love that.”

“Now you’re just stereotyping,” he replies and then puts his earbud back in, effectively ending the conversation.

It’s indeed stereotyping, but there is some truth to it. For all professional athletes, I suppose. Fame and money attract beautiful women and it’s not hard to get laid.

I think about Kiera. It wasn’t hard with her either, but the difference is she doesn’t care about my fame or wealth. She knows the hockey world because her brother is in it.

She just wants to feel good, same as me.

In so many ways, she is the perfect woman.

