Page 119 of 23 Hours

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“That what you need, love?” I tease, ’cause I can, knowing she’s just as hungry for this as I am.

She babbles adorably as I work her up to full, uninhibited moans. I woke up this morning, hard as a rock. Hell, I wake up most mornings hard as a rock. Can you blame me? Look at my woman. Unfortunately, Kit was still asleep, and I didn’t have the heart to wake her. Sure, we haven’t fucked yet. I’m actin’ like a responsible adult and waiting for the Doc’s a-okay before we go that far. But I’ve been home for a week. Between goin’ back to work with my son, and her talking about wedding details, I give absolutely no shit about, but listen anyhow, I make her come like a champ as often as I can. If I can’t get mine, she can get hers. Oh, and she does. As much as I offer.

Latching onto the side of her neck, I suck a couple well-placed welts and slip two fingers into her wet cunt. Curving them upward, to hit that G-spot just right. Her legs quiver, and her sex squeezes around my digits.

That’s it.

She never takes long to finish.

Like a depraved fiend, I finger fuck my woman until she gasps my name. Tiny nails bite at my shoulders. Legs squeeze around me. I nip her throat before licking a long strip of silken skin up to her ear, where I nibble the lobe.

“You gonna come for me?” I whisper there.

A broken sob is her response.

I smile wickedly, ’cause there’s nothing more powerful than owning your woman’s cunt. And own hers, I do. We’ve become well acquainted. It’s ready and willing anytime I wanna give it attention. Last night, it was on the couch, when we watched movies. I relaxed behind her. The big spoon to her little and rubbed my aching cock along her ass as I massaged her clit to completion over a pair of tight, cotton shorts. She’s magnificent when she climaxes. Her face flushes, and lips part. A light sheen of sweat coats her forehead. The noises she makes are enough to almost tip me over the edge.

Nipping her lobe one last time, I add another finger to her sex. She gasps at the stretch. Wanting her mouth on mine when she comes, I attack her lips in a brutal, unrelenting kiss. My tongue penetrates, and she tries but fails to keep up as I fuck her on my hand and with my tongue as hard as I’d fuck her with my cock.

Knowing she’s on the precipice, Kit stiffens, and her kiss falters. I suck her bottom lip into my mouth as her breath ceases and wetness splashes my wrist. Fuck yeah. A first. Making her squirt. Emboldened by this new revelation, I curve my digits more, and finger her rougher through the climax. My woman doesn’t disappoint. Grasping at anything for purchase, her toes curl, as a second gush of liquid bathes not only my wrist but the front of my jeans and the floor.

“That’s right, love. Come on my fuckin’ hand. You’re so hot.” Stepping back to watch as I continue to ruin her, I press down on Kit’s lower stomach to see if I can get her off a third time.

“Erik… I… Oh… My…” Nearly slipping off the counter, her shoulders resting against the top cabinets, Kit’s entire body shakes as a third, less violent squirt dribbles down the front of the lower cupboards.

What do I do? I massage her cunt through the final stages of orgasm. Then, I kneel and lick her clean. Starting with my fingers, I suck her juices off before drawing her little nub into my mouth. She hums in satisfaction as I lick every inch of her, not wanting to miss a single drop.

With the heel of my palm, I press my erection down. He’ll get his when it’s time. When I’m ready to have her kneel before me and stretch her lips around him. When I’m ready to thrust into her mouth and fill her with cum. But I’m not ready yet, and it has zero to do with my stitches and healing and everything to do with opening a can of worms that can’t be resealed. Each day, we take things a step further. Each day, I scare myself a little at how much I love this woman and, more importantly, how much I don’t want to hurt her. Not again.

I refuse to treat her like a club whore. I know how I am when the darkness unleashes. What it’ll do without the restraint. They raped her. The last thing I want Kit to do is relive those atrocities with me, because of me. So, for now, oral sex and finger fucking will have to do.

Helping my woman off the counter and back onto solid ground, I hold on to her as she wobbles on unstable legs. Resting her head on my shoulder, she catches her breath. “I made a mess.”

I peck her forehead. “I know, don’t worry. I’ll clean it up.”

She sighs dreamily. “I’ve never squirted before.”

“It won’t be the last,” I vow because that might very well be my next kink. One we can share.

Knowing I gotta meet Adam at the office to go over club financials and the new compound security systems being installed today, I escort my woman back to our bedroom, where a nosy Chibs waits at the door. He sniffs me and her as we enter, then climbs onto his corner of the bed to chew on his bone. Kit pats his head as she passes before picking a pair of clean clothes from the closet we now share.

I snag a Dum Dum from the nightstand and pop it into my maw as I watch my woman undress, down to literally nothing. The curve of her tattooed spine, shapely legs, and an ass that would bring any man to his knees. Breasts, perfect in both size and shape. Ink, everywhere. More than my own and far hotter. She smirks uncomfortably over her shoulder as I watch, soaking up every inch.

“You’re staring.” She rolls those honey eyes and dons a coy smile.

Giving zero fucks, I shrug one shoulder. “I’m a man with a hot old lady. I’m always gonna stare.”

This awards me the sweetest blush, and I feel ten feet tall for making Kit realize how irresistible she is. Trust me, her looks are only a small portion of what I love.

I trace the flowers on her arms with my eyes as a thought pops into my head. “Ya know, we should get tattooed together sometime. Add some new ink to our skin.” It’s something I’ve never done with another woman. Honestly, it’s not even something I thought I’d do until now.

Buttonin’ up her jeans and tugging on a skintight Harley t-shirt, Kit spins to face me. “You wanna get tattooed together?” She sounds skeptical, and her wrinkled forehead reiterates that sentiment. That’s been normal as of late. Probably has to do with our yo-yoing over the past two months. We’re good. Then we’re not. ’Cause, ya know, me. Drinking. Niki. All that. We’ve been over it already. Plus, the proposal. This likely feels like warp speed to her. One minute, I’m pushing her away. The next, marriage. In my head, it’s always been there. The desires. The reality of my feelings. But she doesn’t live in my skull. For that, I’m grateful. It also means I gotta help her catch up. Get on the same page, or, at the very least, in the same zip code. The more I talk, the more she knows, the less overthinking she can do.

“We’re gettin’ married. Might as well make it more permanent with ink,” I explain.

“I’m always down to get tattooed, but what kinda ink?” Kit grabs the lotion from her nightstand and slathers it on her exposed arms, making her tattoos come alive.

“Rings?” I suggest, ’cause it makes the most sense. Couples get matching tattoos sometimes, but what’s more personal than getting rings? I can’t think of anything.
