Page 27 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Miller shook his head. “I… I don’t even know what to say. Randy, orRandall, has been here for almost a month… and I’ve never been able to…” Miller trailed off, never taking his eyes off the petite pup.

“I just came out to grab a snack and heard him whimpering.”

Miller addressed Randall. “Sure… I take you in, feed you, clean your kennel, but a pretty girl comes along with string cheese and you fall head over heels. Go figure.”

Liza saw a small smirk forming on Miller's face. “Aww, you called me pretty.”

Miller huffed. “That’s what you heard in all that?”

“Yep. Miller Brooks thinks I’m pretty… but I know you can’t be talking about my appearance at this current moment.” She had no make up on and could only imagine how much of a tangled mess her hair was.

Miller turned his head and his eyes roamed across her face. It felt like ten minutes passed. All the while Liza’s heart and stomach played tug-of-war.

“What?” she finally asked when she couldn’t take the heat any longer.

“I stand behind my statement.”

Warmth rushed to her cheeks. Not sure what to say in response, she asked, “Did I wake you up?”

“No, I couldn’t sleep. What about you? Are you feeling okay?”

“My head hurts a little, but mostly… I’m stressing about the whole being-single-at-my-sister’s-wedding thing.”

Miller stared straight ahead. After a moment of silence, Liza decided to try a personal question.

“Speaking of single… Whatever happened between you and Abigail? It seems like you still really care about her.”

She heard Miller inhale and expected him to shut her down, but instead he cleared his throat. "Abigail said all I did was work. When we first started dating, the rescue was in a better spot financially and my mom was around to help out. I felt more freedom to have a social life. But, after my mom moved and our vet bills increased, I knew I needed to be here. I couldn’t let the dogs down.”

Liza wanted to know more details, so she was determined to tread carefully.

“That sounds hard. I’m sorry... But you still want to be with her right?”

“You’re really gonna make me say it?”

Liza bumped him gently with her elbow. “You love her, then?”

Miller shook his head and chuckled. “Stop. I’m not doing this.”

“Okay, okay. You obviously love her. What if I had an idea that could help you get Abigail back?”

“I’d be skeptical.”

“Do you at least want to hear it?”

Miller leaned his head back. “Fine… I’m listening.”

Liza sat up straighter. “What if… you datemefor a week? We’ll post some photos on social media, and I pinky promise… Abigail will notice. Then, wah-la! Miller and Abigail ride off into the sunset.”

Miller huffed. “No way.”

Liza’s shoulders fell at his instant refusal. “Come on. It’s science. People want what they can’t have. And, if Abigail thinks you’ve moved on, she’ll second guess breaking up with you.”

“That’s not science. That’s conjecture. Science requires facts.”

Liza pulled out her phone and began typing. “I just read something MN News posted on Instagram… Oh, here it is.”

“You follow MN News?” Miller murmured.
