Page 28 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Ignoring him, she read from the screen with her best dictation. “A study by West Coast University gave a group of women the same picture of a man. One group was told that the person was in a relationship, the other group was told the person was single.” Liza held up her pointer finger and paused for dramatic effect. “Fifty percent of women were interested when told the man was single, whereasninetypercent of women were interested when told the man was in a relationship.” Liza tilted her head waiting for Miller to acknowledge her victory.

Miller shrugged. “It would never work.”

“You don’t know that. We could treat it like an experiment. We have our hyperthesis and now we have to test it.”


“Exactly. Do women really find a guy in a relationship more attractive? That’s juicy stuff. You have to be a little curious to find out. I mean, would it really be that horrible to pretend to be my boyfriend for seven days? Especially if there was a chance it could help you get back with Abigail.”

“Wait, why seven days?... No. I know what you’re doing. Maggie’s wedding is in a week. You need a date.”

Liza bit her lip. “Well, that does seem to work out perfectly for both of us then.”


“What? Why?”

Miller cracked his knuckles. “No one will ever believe that we’re dating.”

“Why do you say that?”

Miller gave her the are-you-serious face.

Liza tilted her head.

Pointing at her, he said, “You’re Liza Eckland. I’m… Books.”

Liza straightened. “This isn’t high school and you’re not ‘Books’ anymore. Not on the outside at least. What happened to you anyway? Where’d these come from?” Liza pointed at his biceps.

Shaking his head, he said, “It’s almost four. We should get to bed.”

Chapter 14


Millerlayawakestaringat the ceiling and petting Snowdrop’s soft head. From the sound of her steady breathing, he knew Liza had finally fallen asleep. He was grateful she hadn’t pressed him for an answer about whether or not he would go along with her experiment idea.

It is a fascinating theory… Could it work? If Abigail thought that I was dating someone like Liza, would that make her reconsider? Dating Liza for a week… spending time with her, being close to her. Is that a good idea?

Sean Gerrerro made it pretty clear in high school that she was way out of his league—not that he needed anyone to tell him. He knew. How would they make it believable? It would most likely include shopping. And talking. And being around people. All things he tried to avoid. But, if Liza thought it was possible, maybe it was. And he’d do anything to get Abigail back. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him apart from Snowdrop and the rescue.

“Miller.” He felt someone pushing on his shoulder. “Hey, my sister is gonna be here soon.”

Turning over, he saw Liza kneeled beside him. Her hair was wet and pulled into a knot on top of her head. She was makeup-less, but still as attractive as ever. Maybe more so.

“What time is it?”

“Seven forty-five”

“What? Why didn’t you wake me up?” Miller shot up and raced to grab a sweatshirt out of his closet. “The dogs need to go out and be fed—”

Liza held up a hand, cutting him off. “It’s all done. I wanted to let you sleep in.”

“What’s all done?” Miller threw on a hat.

“I let the dogs out and then I fed them. While they were eating, I cleaned the play yards.”

Miller cocked his head to the side. “You did all that? By yourself?”

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