Page 42 of Just a Wrong Turn

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“We’re dating, if that’s what you mean.” Liza casually threaded her arm around his bicep and tried to ignore the taut muscle beneath her hand.

“Well you’d be a loon not to. She’s gorgeous isn’t she, son?” Betty added.

Looking down at Liza, Miller responded, “She is.”

Liza could hear her heartbeat pulsing in her ears.

Miller never took his eyes off of her until Jan clapped. “Would you look at you two! So clearly head over heels! How romantic!”

Liza blinked and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She waved away the comment and unbuttoned her jacket. “Almost forgot, I did bring a new dress to show you guys.”

Slipping off her coat, she revealed her outfit. “What do you think? The stitching along the neckline was a little tricky, but after a couple attempts—I think I got it.” She kneeled down for the women to inspect.

“Very nice, Liza,” Jan said as she patted her gently on the shoulder. “Your grandma would have loved this one. Purple was her favorite color.”

“That’s why I chose it.” Liza smiled with her eyes. She missed her grandma’s unconditional love and encouragement. Unlike her parents—especially her mom—her grandma supported her one hundred percent no matter what she was doing. Liza could be a couch potato for the rest of her life and her grandma would think she was “wonderful.”

“Well, we should get going. Good to see you ladies.” Liza hugged each of them and then led Miller to the kitchen.

When they entered, Liza greeted a woman standing near a large island. “Birdie!”

A petite, round woman with a long face, white curly hair, and gold earrings replied, “Hi Miss Liza and…”

“This is my boyfriend, Miller. I was hoping you might have time for a quick dance lesson.”

Miller coughed once like he was clearing his throat.

“Birdie was a ballroom dancer and instructor for… how long?” Liza asked.

Her face lit up. “Thirty-five years.”

“My sister’s wedding is in a few days and I thought it would be fun to have a little something prepared. Nothing too complicated. Maybe a few swing steps?”

Walking around to their side of the island, Birdie shooed them back towards the large gathering area. “Oh heavens no, you need something saucier than that. How about salsa?”

Liza grinned at Miller. “How do you feel about salsa dancing?”

His eyes were wide.

“Okay, you two stand next to each other and face me.” Birdie set them in place.

Liza leaned over and whispered, “Are you ready for this?”

Miller rubbed his jaw. “Um… I don’t know.”

Birdie clapped her hands. “Focus now, time for canoodling later.”

“Sorry.” Liza stood tall at attention.

“First, we go,” Birdie demonstrated while melodically instructing, “forward step together, back step together. Good, continue. Just loosen the hips and feel the rhythm.”

Liza attempted to follow along while peeking over at Miller out of the corner of her eye. To her surprise and delight, he was moving.

“Good. 1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7…” Birdie continued. After a few more minutes, she held up her hand. “Okay, now together and let’s add a turn. Face each other. Hold hands.”

As Liza placed her hands in Miller’s she felt the smoothness of his palms. Looking into his eyes she noticed a steadiness in his gaze. His mouth was turned up in a calm grin.

Birdie stood next to Liza demonstrating as she spoke. “Liza you’re going to step, turn, and face the wall. Then transfer your weight.” Bringing her attention to Miller she said, “You’re going to raise your left hand up and guide her through the turn. Let's try it together slowly.”

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