Page 47 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Liza Eckland:So glad I could help! Have a good time with Abigail tomorrow!

Liza went back and forth between using a period or exclamation point at the end of each of the sentences before deciding on exclamation points.Does my excitement seem forced? Ugh I don’t know…She was infusing more perkiness than she felt, but she didn’t want Miller to worry about her. She hit send, set her phone on the coffee table, and closed her eyes.

On Wednesday morning, Liza drove in silence to the rescue. She skipped out on community service Monday and Tuesday due to cramps… and just flat out being bummed. Thankfully, both days Oliver and Everette were on board with being low key. Oliver played video games most of the time while Everette and Liza bingedCupcake Wars.

But, she couldn’t avoid Miller any longer. She had to finish her community service hours, so now was the time to paste on a smile and pretend like she hadn’t developed a futile crush on the handsome dog rescuer. Liza practiced her greeting.

“Morning!” she recited with a smile that pushed her cheeks up to her eyes.No, too obvious.

“Hey! How’s it going boss?” Liza tried.That doesn’t feel right either.

“Hey, how’s Abigail? Are you two back together and planning your wedding yet? Am I invited?” Liza whimpered as her heart cracked open.

As she pulled into the parking lot, she took a deep breath. The memory of her first day of community service came to mind. She'd been nervous that Miller would be cold and calloused, which she deserved. Instead, he had warmed up to her and showed her kindness—just like he did all those years ago as her chemistry tutor.

Suck it up, Liza,she scolded herself.As long as he’s happy, you need to be happy.

When she entered the rescue, there was no sign of Miller. Liza made her rounds saying hi to all the dogs. Randall was her last stop, and she took a chance by entering with no string cheese. Somehow she had failed to grab their favorite snack.

As she bent low, Randall trotted over to her and licked her hand. “Aww, thanks bestie. I promise I’ll bring you some cheese tomorrow, okay?”

He set his little paws on her knees and looked up at her expectantly. “You want me to hold you?”

Liza slid down and Randall crawled onto her lap. “You knew I needed some extra snuggles today huh?” Nuzzling Randall’s head against her shoulder, she closed her eyes.

“You still not feeling well?”

Liza jumped hearing Miller’s voice behind her.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Miller entered Randall’s kennel and sat next to them.

“Just didn’t hear you walk up.” Liza's heart beat like a bass drum in her chest.

“If you’re still not feeling good, you don’t have to work today.” Miller’s dark chocolate eyes peered over at her.

Liza cocked her head and tried to peel her gaze away from the delicious pools that were his irises.Pull it together girl.

“I’m fine. Why?” she asked finally, turning her gaze to the cuddly pup on her lap.

“I heard you tell Randall that you needed some extra snuggles today. I figured it was because of your… cramps.”

“Oh yeah, yep. Cramps.” Liza nodded. “They’re the worst. Still a little painful, but I’ll manage. The joy of dogs should be bottled and sold. Their soft fur and snuggles are the best medicine.”

“Agreed.” Miller leaned his head back against the chain link.

“So…” Now was her chance. She was dying to find out if Miller and Abigail were officially back together. “How’d coffee with Abigail go?”

“Ah… it hasn’t happened yet.”

Liza took in a breath. “Why not?” she asked, trying to ignore the sprout of hope popping up.

“Had to reschedule. She's a fitness instructor at the community center, and I guess the Pilates teacher had a baby. She took over her classes. We’re planning to meet tonight, though.”

“Oh gotcha.” Liza imagined the hope seedling being mowed over. “How are you feeling about it?”

“Good. I feel good.”

“Good,” Liza echoed.
