Page 48 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Silence stretched between them.

Finally, Liza spoke. “Is it okay if I bring Everette and Oliver out to the rescue this afternoon? They keep asking to volunteer.” Liza held up her hand before Miller could get a word in. “I already printed the volunteer liability waiver from the website and had their parents sign it.”

Miller smiled over at her and shook his head.

“What?” Liza asked.

“Nothing. I’m just impressed.”

Liza wanted to extract more from his compliment, but he moved on quickly. “Do you think they’d be willing to give Murphy and Willow a bath?”

Liza cocked her head. “Wait! Does that mean they’re being adopted?”

Miller nodded.

“Oh, that’s amazing!”

“Murphy is going to a family with three kids. She’s gonna get to put her mom skills to use there. And Willow is being adopted by a newly married couple. She’s going to be so spoiled.”

“Ah, I’m so happy! And… kind of sad. I’ll miss seeing them. How are you doing with it?”

Miller rested his elbows on his bent knees. “This is how it’s supposed to be. They need couches to lay on and backyards to run in. Being with a family is so much better than kennel life.”

Liza could hear emotion laced in his words, but she also saw the resolve in his face.

After a moment, she said, “Well, I’m sure Oliver will be game to facilitate puppy spa day. I don’t know how Everette will feel about it, but who knows? She always surprises me.”

“I know the feeling.” Miller peered over at her out of the corner of his eye. Then he stood and reached out his hand. Liza gently set Randall down, allowing Miller to pull her up. Liza knew what was coming next, so she timed her words perfectly with his. “We should get back to work.”

“Jinx!” she yelled.

Miller rolled his eyes while she dusted her shoulder off in victory.

Chapter 20


Millergroanedashebent down to put on his cleanest tennis shoes. His forearms burned and his calves ached. He’d doubled his lifting reps the last two days and ran over ten miles. Exercise was his way of blowing off steam and channeling his tornado of feelings. Nerves and excitement surrounding his upcoming conversation with Abigail raged—which was to be expected. But what he didn’t expect was Liza appearing when he was trying to picture Abigail.

As he replayed memories of him and Abigail hiking or working out together, he heard Liza adding in cheery commentary. “Oh that’s so cute!” or “This is perfect for Instagram! Give me a smile you two love birds!” It was like she lived in his head and he couldn’t evict her. And the thing that scared him most… he didn’t know if he wanted to.

Miller hated admitting it and he’d never say it out loud, but he missed having Liza at the rescue. She had only been gone two days, but without her there was a void. The dogs seemed to sense it too. There were less tail wags and more sleeping. In the play yard, everyone just sort of wandered aimlessly.

When Liza walked in that afternoon, it was like someone finally paid the electric bill. Everything seemed brighter. After she finished her community service hours—which she was close to doing—they’d all have to adjust to her absence. But maybe if things worked out with Abigail, the feminine gap would be filled.

If Abigail’s here it will basically be the same as Liza being around. In fact, it might be better. Less talking.Miller tried to convince himself, but he knew it was a lie. No one filled up a room with radiance like Liza.She’s a never-ending sparkler burning with annoyingly cheerful fury.

Miller threw on a pair of jeans and a brand new white V-neck. Tonight was important, so he was dressing up.Time to get Abigail back. Time for some normalcy.Taking one last glance in the mirror to make sure he didn’t have anything in his teeth, he opened his bedroom door.

Strolling to the storage room where the dog washing station was situated, he spotted Liza and the kids. Liza was feeding Murphy treats to keep him content, while Everette held the spray nozzle and Oliver shampooed. Miller walked near them but kept a safe distance knowing Murphy could shake at any moment and douse them all. Liza's sweatshirt was visibly wet, which Miller only then realized was his Underdogs sweatshirt that she had never given back. Her hair was tucked behind a yellow headband that made her face look like it was glowing.

Miller forced himself to look away and instead addressed the group. “I’m just gonna head out. Thanks again for cleaning up Murphy and Willow.”

Oliver gave him a nod and Everette flashed a quick smile before refocusing on the task at hand.

“Have fun! Good luck!” Liza yelled out—louder than normal—even for her.

As Miller drove toward Java Jill’s, a battle raged in his mind. The attraction to Liza was strong, but the memories with Abigail were real. Abigail had been with him as he’d adjusted to his mom moving away. How could he even flirt with the idea of liking anyone else, especially Liza? Abigail was comfortable and safe. Liza was wild and unpredictable.

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