Page 86 of Knockout

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Before Liam could say anything more, a doctor opened the door. “Is there a Liam O’Connell here?”

He twisted around and lifted two fingers. “Me.”

“Ms. Helton is out of surgery.” The doctor looked flushed and exhausted but pleased. “She’s awake and asking for you.”


Three weeks later

Roxie twistedaround to get out of the car, barely managing to bite back the groan.

Liam strode to the back of the SUV he’d bought to replace his mangled truck. “You were supposed to wait for me to help you.”

She grunted and reached for his arm, her teeth gritted. “Everything’s fine.”

He stared at her, managing to keep a straight face. “I could always carry you.”

“I’ll shoot you before you pick me up.”

He grinned. “Some women like to be carried.”

If he tried that any day other than their wedding night, he would find out how she felt about it.

Liam wound her arm in his. “Shall we?”

She pressed her lips together. Why was the front door of Vanguard so far away? They hadn’t parked that far from the entrance. She was sweating by the time they stepped onto the elevator.


“I want to know what this summons is about.” She hadn’t returned to work since she left the hospital nine days ago. All she’d done was lay on the couch and watch terrible TV, hang out with Destiny—and her sisters. The girls showed up at random times because “they were bored,” as if Roxie didn’t know it was because Destiny didn’t want her left alone.

Then when the group wasn’t working, she got visits from Jasper—who insisted on looking longingly at Destiny when she wasn’t looking—and Blake, Gage and Clare, Conrad and his wife, but without the kids, and Olivia.

And Liam.

She didn’t think she’d been alone since she’d been alone with Brad. Thinking about him made Roxie lean her head against Liam’s wide bicep. “It’s quiet in here.”

“Good thing it’ll be at the right floor soon.”

“I like the—”

The elevator doors slid open to dead silence and a room full of people. Lena stood right in front of the doors, a box and her purse and coat in her hands. They stepped off the elevator, and she stepped onto it.

The doors slid closed.

Roxie glanced at the shut elevator.

Then, the room erupted into noise. “Roxie!” Cheering. Clapping. A room full of smiling faces in every corner of the place, all staring at her and Liam while her face flamed.

“Like you all haven’t seen me since the hospital.”

Peter strode over. “Every day is a miracle. You didn’t know that?”

Liam let go of her, and Peter gave her an easy hug. He knew how much her chest still hurt. Felt like an elephant had sat on it, if she was honest. “Yeah, yeah. Okay.” She shoved, and he let her go. “Calm down, everyone.”

“No way.” Simon grinned. “There’s cake in the break room.”

She shook her head, smiling. “Well, then. If there’s cake. I can hardly say no.”
