Page 7 of Must Like Cats

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“Oh, so you are going on a... wait. Not dressed like that.”

“Just going to talk to an associate. The hold is still on Ursa and Rigor, and I think one was put on Mikky today.” She looked out over the café and saw the server Rory. He smiled at her and waved. She waved back and turned to Kava. “You are walking him to his car tonight?”

“Yup. And he will walk me to mine, just like always. You know we could get another part-timer.”

Renner nodded. “Yeah. I guess we could. I have been thinking about it for Thursday to Saturday.”

“Let me know when you have it posted. You know we always have a ton of takers.”

“Yeah, and I also have to vet them... sometimes with the vet.” She chuckled. “Right. Call me for anything. I should be back soon.”

“Okay. This crowd looks pretty well-behaved.” Kava looked at her. “Go.”

Renner nodded and headed to the front of the building. She left and walked up to the SUV. She was reaching for the door when Thanatos came around and opened her door.

She looked at him, and he looked at her sombrely. She shrugged and got into the vehicle, buckling up as he closed the door. He walked around and got in. He started the vehicle and pulled away.

“Where are we going?”

“Just a few blocks down. A small hole-in-the-wall Chinese place.”

“Nice. I was debating what to do for dinner.”

He smiled. “Good. Preferences?”

“Anything deep fried. I know. I am an abomination.”

He nodded. “I am sure that is why Lady Fen was trying to line up someone else. Your lack of palate.”

She snorted. “So, how was your date?”

“I didn’t go. Your friends had a word with Lady Fen, and she told me I could go if I wished. I didn’t. I had no interest in the match to begin with, and it was withdrawn with all speed. I think Lady Fen was pimping me out for some new property downtown.”

His attitude made her smile. So, the setup wasn’t his idea. “Well, I am sorry that we were introduced. You could have expanded her territory.”

He pulled into the lot next to the restaurant and parked. “I only agreed to an introduction with her, not her hand in marriage.”

“Good. Play hard to get. You might get a whole condo building out of it.” She chuckled.

He sighed and got out of the car, walking around to open her door. She slid out the door and thudded to the ground. The jolt went through her shoulder and reminded her that she hadn’t gotten her stitches reset.

He stared at her. “There is the blood again.”

“Just a little. It’s bleeding from the entry wound. I popped some stitches.”

He offered his left arm, and she snorted at the mismatching of their attire. He guarded her and kept his body between her and the street. He held the door of the shop open for her, and the scent of bamboo, spices, and every type of meat and vegetable blasted her.

She sighed, and one of the servers came over to her, frowning at her clothing and then beaming at Thanatos.

“Hiya, Ming. Is the table for two ready?”

“Yes, Than. This way.” She smiled and then stared at Renner again. Renner fought her laugh.

She began to speak in Mandarin, “Lady Fen will be so happy that you are coming around. Who is the lady that you are with?”

Renner smiled. At least she was being referred to as a lady.

“She is the woman I hope to make mine. I am trying to convince her that I have a mind of my own.”
