Page 81 of Must Like Cats

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Ford nodded. “It could be arranged if you asked Achilles to participate in one of my videos.”

She stared at him and nodded. She respected blackmail.

Chapter Twelve

Keres looked at Antonio when he returned. He was tall and leanly muscled with a greyish cast to his skin. It was weird, but it suited him.

Her boss looked at her and said, “William has been suspended pending a full investigation. Two others have made comments to HR, but as William was close to his rut, no one took him seriously.”

“Really? Or maybe HR just didn’t take him seriously because they weren’t in danger of being raped in the copy room.” Keres sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“That is oddly specific.”

“It’s just a good thing I happened to be there that night.” She shrugged. “And that I am stronger than I look.”

Antonio looked at her. “I see. Who was his target?”

“Lessa. I sent her to the book club for therapy. I don’t know if William has any secondary skills, but if he triggered Lessa, she’s covered.”

“Ah.” He frowned.

“Should I tell Dell so you are paying attention?”

He blinked and slowly smiled. “No. When a live elf is talking to me, I pay attention.”

She snorted. “Right. Anyway. If he’s suspended, it’s a start, but he’s showing a lot of aggression toward female staff, and since the staff is usually betas, it gets very uncomfortable and not very productive.” She shrugged. “Also, his leering when we make up promotional artwork is fucking creepy. Hostile workplace.”

Keres shrugged. “You also need a solidly dedicated convention team. It’s really past time. You can’t keep scavenging warm bodies from other departments. They can just be part-timers in the other areas when not needed for prep. Or standard employees who switch to prep the moment the trigger is pulled. No questions from their home department.”

He nodded. “Dell has said as much. Andrea just likes playing dress-up.”

She nodded. “I know. I have seen her at photo shoots.”

“Would you be willing to add your form to one of the games?”

“I don’t work for you... so no.”

He grunted and ran a hand through his hair. “How much do you want?”


“How much do you want to come back as head of marketing?”

“First, you lost Roane because of forcing her into the public eye, and now, you want me back as head of the department I was driven out of?”

“I didn’t know. HR never mentioned it.”

“Yeah, well, William’s cousin wouldn’t really be interested in disciplining him.”

“Aw, fuck. Right.” Antonio rubbed his forehead. “I fucking hate this.”

“I am not particularly a fan myself.” Keres smiled. “But I am not the boss. I am a humble worker who is a cog in the wheel of your company.” She paused. “Well, I was.”

There was a knock on the door, and Ford went to answer it. She looked at Dante and snorted. “What are you doing here?”

He walked to her and kissed her with his hand threading through her hair. When Dante leaned back, he smiled. He inclined his head. “I am here to negotiate as your lawyer. If they want you back, Jax and I will hammer out the contract. It is easier for us as we can speak the same language.”

Ford grinned, and Antonio smiled. “Thank goodness. Right. Jax, you know how high I will go.”
