Page 113 of Ben

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“I know that too.”

“Hell, Cash wasn’t even into guys until—”

His words are cut off, and he looks at me sheepishly. I run a hand over my forehead, feeling like I’m about to throw up. My entire body is vibrating with nerves. But despite it, I feel something unwavering move through me.

“We love him,” I say after a moment of silence.

“We do,” Ford adds. “We’re fucking obsessed with him.”

Dean sighs. “I figured. And I get it. I just… I need to find him to tell him that I love him. The three of you being together changes nothing. But I know my son. I know he’s built this up in his head, and I don’t want him to worry.”

“How are you okay with this?”

“How could I not be? He’s with the two best men I know.”

Ford sniffles loudly and then pulls Dean into a hug. “Goddamn you. Making me cry.”

Dean pats him roughly on the back and then slaps me on the shoulder.

“You always were a crybaby.”

“Fuck you,” Ford says with a laugh, and I pull Ford into me.

“Right. Well, it’s been a few minutes. He’s had time to cool off. I’ll message you where we end up. You can come get him when I’m done reassuring him that this changes nothing.”

Dean turns his back and walks away, leaving Ford and me to do nothing other than just stand and watch him disappear.

“That was unexpected,” Ford says softly, and I let out a broken laugh.

“Yeah, but in the best way. Now Dean needs to hurry the fuck up so we can go get our guy.”



My lungs are screaming at me, reminding me for a second that I need to do more cardio or else I may die trying to escape the disappointed look on my father’s face. I’m gonna be running for years over this.

I may keel over dead sooner rather than later.

Could I run all the way to the city without stopping?

I may attempt it.

Because he knows. He saw and he knows.

My eyes are stinging, and it’s when I skid into the driveway that I let the first tear fall.

Fuck, I’ve ruined everything. Hands on my knees, I bend over to catch my breath. But it’s fucking hard to inhale when you’re in the middle of an emotional breakdown.

How am I ever going to face him again?

I can’t.

I’m going to have to move.

To Maine.

An island in Maine. With no way to get there except a boat.
