Page 19 of Ben

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“You looked handsome with it there, but I thought nah, you’d wanna know. I’m not like you. I don’t let things just linger in people’s teeth without telling them.”

I smile softly at that and then pull him into my side, inhaling the scent of him, like the outdoors and man.

He knocks his forehead against mine and then we walk toward the back porch once more, the two of us taking separate chairs, but he props his boots up onto my lap and I scoff.

“Get the fuck off me,” I say, but don’t make him move. I just relax a bit more into the chair and lay a hand on his ankle.

“So, what’s up, Cash? You look extra serious today.”

“Just had a bit of a revelation.”

“And what revelation is that?” he asks, staring out at his half-finished shed.

I swallow some more beer and open my mouth to tell him, but nothing comes out. God, if I can’t tell Ford, who can I tell?

“What? You okay?” he asks, and I shake my head, pressing my beer bottle to my cheek. The cold shocks me slightly, and I mutter.

“Been letting a guy suck me off.”

Ford stares at me, blinking rapidly.


“Been getting some head from a dude,” I repeat, and Ford’s feet hit the porch with a bang.

“You’re fucking a man?”

“No,” I shake my head. “That hasn’t happened. Yet.”

“Well, damn.” A laugh escapes him and then he’s moving his chair toward me until we’re side by side. His hand comes out and grabs on to my arm. I can feel the heat of him and I shiver slightly.

“Didn’t know you liked dick.”

“Seems I like this one.”

Ford’s eyes widen. “No shit. Who is it?”

I shake my head. “Can’t say.”

“Ah, a secret. I can live with that. For a bit. Though I am curious who this guy is who enticed you to give men a shot.”

“Yeah, seems I like it a whole lot. But…”

“But what?” Ford is practically on my lap now, his eyes boring into mine. I can make out the gold flecks in his dark eyes. Like Jupiter.

“But just found out he wasn’t exclusive. I mean, he’s seeing someone else.”

Ford scoffs and then shakes his head. “Well, he’s a fucker then.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think he is. It’s not like he was leading me on—”

“Fuck him,” Ford spits, starting to get angry. Love this about him. He’s fiercely protective. Always has been.

“I like him though.”

“Yeah, well he can go fuck himself anyways. If he doesn’t see what an awesome guy you are.”

I turn my gaze away and Ford grabs on to my chin gently, forcing me to meet his eyes.
