Page 28 of Ben

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I wrap the towel around my waist and hold it tightly around my hips.

Cash’s eyes swivel down to where my cock is straining against the fabric, and he wets his lips.

“I don’t fucking share.”

“I know,” I say and then reach out and press my hand against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart under my palm. “I get it.”

We stare at each other for a long-drawn-out moment, and then Cash lifts a hand and presses it against mine. I feel that touch all the way to my toes. It consumes me.

“Thank you for last night.”

“Always,” he says and then he lets me go and steps back. “I’m going to go.”

“Okay.” I watch him go and feel my stomach drop, both in nausea and despair.

Well, if that isn’t clear, I don’t know what is. It’s over between Cash and me. I flew too close to the sun and got burned. And I have no one to blame but myself.

I dress and meander to school, having missed my first class already. I’ve lost motivation for today anyways. Tatum can see it and despite trying to cheer me up, he can’t quite manage it. And neither can the ladies at the senior home. It doesn’t help that Ford doesn’t message me either.

It makes me wonder what’s going on with him when just two days ago he was insatiable. Maybe he’s over me too.

I need to know, but I can’t bring myself to show up at his place uninvited. Doesn’t mean I don’t sit outside his house that evening like the creep I am.

I’ve hit a low point, for sure.

I wasn’t invited over, my phone screen sits blank. Not that I should have been. But it hurts nonetheless. I let out a shaky breath. I can’t go marching up there and knock. That would be absolutely insane. That would make me seem needy and insecure, like a baby who needs coddling. I got myself into this mess, I can see my way out.

I lean my head back against the headrest and pull out my phone. It’s time to go on another date and get over these men. It was good while it lasted.

I’m going to move on.

No more pining. I am not a tree.

I’m a man.



“What’s up, man?” I ask, loving that Cash is here in my house, that he feels comfortable enough to be here with me. Part of me wishes that I could spend a few hours inside of Ben first. But my best friend is going through a crisis. And bros before…hoes?

Not sure how that saying would go when Ben is a dude, but whatever.

No Ben tonight. I don’t want Cash walking in while Ben’s getting his ass railed. I don’t need Cash knowing what I’ve been up to in my free time. He’d probably judge me for going after Dean’s son.

But it’s not like I ever had any inappropriate thoughts about him in the past. It wasn’t until the last few months that things began to change for me. It was the way he’d look at me, the way he’d adjust himself while watching me work. How he’d wet his lips and how his pupils would dilate.

And then those words he uttered one evening when we were alone at the shop.

I’m not fragile, Ford. I can take anything you give me.

That innuendo made ideas pop into my mind, ones that I’ve acted on.

Many times.

“Not much, you sure you don’t have plans?” Cash asks as he pulls his jacket off and moves past me to the fridge, grabbing a beer.

I snort. “No plans when you’re here.”
