Page 35 of Ben

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No, Cash hadn’t been with another guy before me. He told me that.

I was his sexual awakening. Motherfucking me.

When Cash looks over at me and finds me still not sitting, he moves toward me and gently settles me into a kitchen chair. His palms scrape against my arms, and I bite back a moan. My cock likes his hands on me far too much.

“He didn’t come, Cash,” Ford says, blinking back to reality.

Cash’s gaze settles on my straining cock, and I press my hands over the bulge. They don’t need to see this.

No, they really don’t.

I gave all of my secrets away minutes ago and now I don’t know what to say. I should make a run for it, but the way that Ford and Cash are watching me, I doubt that I’d make it very far. I’m not the most athletic. They could tackle me quickly.

The thought of both of them lying on top of me only makes my dick harder. There’s a wet spot forming on the front of my jeans from how much it’s leaking.

“I can see that,” Cash says. “I think the real question is why he joined us in the first place.”

Ford scoffs. “I mean, we’re hot.”

Cash eyes him and then slugs him in the shoulder.

“Why the hell was Ben here, Ford?”

“I was just—” I begin, but Cash cuts me off with a look.

“Let Ford answer this.”

Ford shuffles on his feet. “Man, come on. My dick was in your mouth.”

“Yeah, it was.”

“Ben was just here for… we were gonna hang out.”

Cash’s eyebrows go up and he looks suspicious, as he should be. I walked right in Ford’s front door. And here I am, hard dick and a cum-filled stomach—wanting to do whatever that was over and over again. If only they’d just fucking let me.

“Hang out?” Cash asks, his eyes narrowing. “Since when do you hang out with Ben alone?”

Ford shuffles on his feet and then scrubs a hand down his face.

“Don’t,” I plead, but Ford shakes his head.

“We’re fucking.”

Cash’s mouth drops open and his arms fold across his chest.

“So are we.”

Ford looks a bit surprised and then he shakes his head. “Wait, is this the guy you’re into?”

My heart throbs in my chest.Cash is into me?

“Yeah, I didn’t know he didn’t want to be exclusive because he was fucking you.”

They stare at each other and then their gazes swivel to me. I swallow so loudly that it clicks. Oh my god. I’m going to faint, my vision goes a little blurry, and I grab on to the edge of the table to steady myself. I should have eaten dinner.Or maybe not, I think as my stomach clenches deviously.

“You’re fucking both of us?” Ford asks, and I shake my head.

