Page 43 of Ben

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He smells clean, fresh like he just showered, and I inhale the scent greedily before walking him toward the front door.

“You have my jacket?” I hear Cash ask Colin, but Colin just loudly says goodbye and hops in the driver’s seat, locking the doors. Cash shakes his head and follows us inside.

“That fucker still has my jacket and won’t return it,” Cash grumbles as he locks the front door. His comment goes ignored as I feel Ben pull away from me, moving to the far corner of the room, his arms folded across his chest, his cheeks pale.

He looks so fucking pretty in the worst way.

He looks tired. Like he needs a long nap.

“Why the fuck do you look like that?” Cash says, and Ben scoffs, rolling his eyes.

“You kidnapped me.”

“We didn’t. We just had you delivered,” I say.

“I’m not an Amazon package.”

“No, you’re definitely not,” I say, my eyes raking over him. Fuck, even tired and worn out he looks hot. “Amazon doesn’t have anything as hot as you.”

I never looked at him this way when he was younger, he was always just Dean’s kid—too young and not even an option. But then a few months ago, something changed, and I suddenly couldn’t wrench my eyes away. And now that I’ve had him, been inside him, he’s the only one I want. Well, and of course Cash. But that’s a given.

Cash and Ben and me.

“So now that you dragged me all the way here, what do you want?” he asks, sounding less angry and more wary.

“You didn’t show up for work,” I say, and Cash moves to stand near me, the two of us an impenetrable force as Ben seems to curl up into himself.

“I wasn’t feeling well.”

“You were avoiding us,” Cash grumbles, and I nudge him.

“Shut up, man.”

“Well, it’s the truth,” he murmurs, and Ben shakes his head and then sways slightly. It’s then that I notice how pronounced the dark purple smudges under his eyes are and the fact that he looks almost sick.

I don’t waste another second. I move toward him, scooping him into my arms and bringing him to the bedroom.

“Get him some water and something to eat,” I call behind me as I move toward my bed.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Yeah, well you’re gonna eat something and drink some fucking water,” I say as I sit him down. He wobbles slightly and his eyelashes flutter.

“I don’t feel well.”

“Of course you don’t. You don’t take care of yourself.”

Ben swallows roughly as I move to take his shoes off.

Cash appears beside me, handing Ben some water and a granola bar.

He sips at the liquid as I discard his shoes and socks, and then the two of us stand and watch him intently as he slowly bites into the bar.

“All of it,” Cash says, concern lacing his tone.

Ben rolls his eyes but does as he’s told, and when he’s done, we move at the same time. Cash grabs the cup and granola bar wrapper, and I move to grab the hem of his shirt.

“What the hell?” Ben grumbles as I start to pull it up. “What are you doing?”
