Page 16 of Illusion of Loving

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Taurus stands as if she is waiting for my direction. I grab a measuring tape out of the drawer.

“This outfit is a bit bulky to measure, I’ll take it off.” She insists.

Before she strips, I stop her. “Are you sure?”

She smiles, “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s no different than being in a swimsuit.”

Slowly she pulls down her jeans until they fall to the floor. Then comes off her shirt, revealing her matching white lacy bra.

I hunch down and bring the tape around her thigh. She places her hand on my shoulder as she giggles. I smile up at her. “Don’t move,” I say tapping her thigh.

“Your hands are cold...” She groans.

I hold back a laugh. She grabs my hands and breathes on them. “What are you doing?” I narrow still holding back a laugh.

“I’m heating your hands. Where the fuck did you have your hands to make them so cold?” She lets go of my hands.

“Probably celibacy.” I joke.

Her eyes widen a bit, “Really? How long has it been for you?”

The last time I fucked anyone was the day after I met Taurus.” A year.” I answer. “And you?”

“A year.” She answers quickly.

I narrow my eyes. No one has touched this woman in a year. “Why is that?”

“I just wanted to stay focused on my goal, but it’s been…challenging.” Those starry eyes wander.

I get up and start measuring her waist. “Has it?” I try to evade her eyes, but she narrows into mine.

“Yes,particularly challenging. I’m sure you understand.” I look down into her starry eyes. Her breathing is shallow as I bring the tape to her neck, tightening it slightly. “Careful. You wouldn’t want to choke me.” She laughs awkwardly.

Yes, I would. I would love to choke her, as she screams for me to keep fucking her. Watching her gasp for air as her nails dig into my back.


This room is boiling. Why does this keep happening? Every time I am with Ru, I feel so fucking horny. If he tightens that tape anymore, I think I will come.

“Ru…I want to know what you’re feeling,” I pry. “Because since my dream I have been feeling this heat around you and I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but I feel like if I don’t, I won’t be able to focus on anything else.”

He tightens the tape slightly before setting it down on the table beside us. “Why the fuck are you so honest?” He steps away from me, pushing his fingers through his hair. “I feel it too. Trust me I do, but we can’t.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” My hands were on my face.

He removes my hands from my face. “Don’t apologize.”

So, I’m not crazy, he feels it too, “But, I don’t want to be like Greyson.”

“You are nothing like him,hecheated onyou. You are single, I am single. Nothing is wrong here but our connection to each other. You’re his ex-fiancé and I’m his father, but I am also a man who would like to get to know the amazing woman sitting in front of me. You are not just his ex-fiancé and I get that, but then there is that voice in the back of my mind, which knows this would hurt my son.”

I nod understanding. “But it’s like you said, you’re a single man and I am a single woman. Let’s be that. Not a father or an ex-fiancé. If this leads to something more then we will cross that road, but right now I just really want you to fuck me because I don’t only want it, Ineedit. “

Without a second thought, Ru picks me up and sets me on the table. “Where should I start, my brown eyed girl?” He smirks.

He’s asking me; however, his hands are at each side of the ends of my panties, but he hasn’t taken them off just yet. I lift my body off the table quickly so that he can slide my panties to the floor. Then he unclipped my bra tossing that on the ground as well.

His hands travel up my body until one hand is on the small of my back and the other gripping my neck. He pulls me from my neck forward, my lips crashing into his. Feeling his full lips pressed against me and his tongue wrapped around my own.
