Page 38 of Widowed

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“Fine, I’ll find it.” I accept.

Izzy and Nikolai step out of the room, and my search begins. I find some items that feel like decoys to make me choose incorrectly. I think about the items I have found and decide among them. There is a necklace, a comic book, shoes, and a chessboard.

Reyna loves her fashion. She hated the first wedding dress and complained immediately. I have never seen her play chest, so that can’t be it.

“The comic book…? Maybe it’s not what she values directly, but who?” I say to myself.

I hear the door open. Izzy walks in with crossed arms and an unwavering smile. “So, what did you choose?” She walks closer, looking at the items.

“I pick the comic book.” I choose.

She frowns at me. “Why the comic book?”

“It belongs to Prince. She values Prince more than anything else. She’s a mother first.” I answer.

She groans, “Damn, no money for me. Reyna told me you would win too. So now I owe her ten dollars. I’m the real loser of the game.” I can’t help but chuckle at her statement.

Nikolai brings me into an open space, secluded from our guests. My bride awaits me, and I await her as well. I still haven’t seen her dress or how she will look whatsoever. Imagining her brings a smile to my face that I can’t contain. My eyes are tightly closed as I wait to see her.

As I hear the soft steps approach me, I take a breath. “Kyro…” Her voice is hushed, almost nervous. “Are you going to turn around?” Reyna’s blissful laugh echoes in my ear warmly.

“You’re so beautiful,” my voice rasps.

She laughs, “You haven’t seen me yet.”

“I don’t need to.”

She playfully punches my back. “Look at me.”

How can I not when my bride begs me so cutely? I don’t make my bride wait any longer or myself. Turning around, I allow myself to glimpse into my bride’s warm eyes. As I looked down, her dress flowed perfectly. I thought she would pick a dress that was tight showing off her curves, but this dress makes her look straight out of a fairy tale.

“I can’t kiss you yet, can I?” I sigh, holding her hands close to my chest.

“Not yet.” Her teasing smirk played on his lips.

I cannot kiss my bride and so I offer to kiss her manicured fingers instead.

“Soon,” she whispers, looking up at me. “This is the part where we say our vows.”

“Speaking our vows in private. Our vows should be for our ears only.” I kiss her fingers again.

Reyna inhales and then exhales before she begins speaking. “Kyro, our marriage is built on a promise you made to your best friend, and I, a promise to keep my son safe from your and Ivan’s enemies. As you stated before, this marriage should be more than the promise we made to one another. So today, I promise you if you bloody your hands, I’ll bloody mine. I give you my loyalty without question.” Reyna’s words reflect the loyalty I wanted.

I exhale. I know that her feelings for me are one of conflict. With an almost arranged marriage, I knew she wouldn’t fall for me in such a short amount of time. The way Ivan describes her was perfect. Her love is not frivolous, when she loves it is with her entire self.

“Reyna, I can’t promise a perfect life. You know what I am. I will never hide the monster that I am from you. My hands will be bloody more than you may ever know. I belong to you and only you. My loyalty and devotion to you and our son will never waver. I can’t promise that I will keep you safe, but I will make sure I try as hard as I can to live in peace.” These are the vows by which we will live.

Reyna smiles and says, “Kiss me.”

“You don’t want to wait until you walk down?” I ask.

Reyna puts a hand behind my neck and pulls me in for a kiss, and I gladly kiss her back. As Reyna puts her hand behind my neck and pulls me in for a kiss, which I gladly return, the vows are now sealed. “You can’t ever break them.”

“Never,” I reply.

“This is the part of our wedding I will remember.” She smiles. “Now we can continue with the rest of the wedding.” She rolls her eyes.

By this, she means the part of our wedding that’s for show. These vows were for us, but standing in front of all those people is for business. That’s why we said our vows in private. The only real and meaningful part of the wedding.
