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And if they piss her off even more?

I need to distance myself.

Because if I have to choose between the pack or her…

I choose Lilah.

Every time.



I’m ten feet onto campus and still seething when I hit my next Wyvern speed bump.

Hikaru. A designer-suited iceberg with eyebrows sharp enough to cut paper.

Should’ve known the dads wouldn’t give up trying to lasso me.

“Can I help you?” I glance for a way to pick him off, but Evgenia is long gone and my guards would rather stare at their boots than meet the eyes of the OCC’s absentee director.

“Come with me.” He heel-turns on his expensive loafers, used to being followed.

Only, I don’t play that game anymore. “I’m going to my room.”

“Your room was reassigned.”

I blink. “You’re making a paying customer live in my laundry closet?”

Hikaru stops walking. “Your what?”

“There’s no way you reassigned my teeny tiny cell to one of your omega princesses, so this is obviously some bullshit excuse to—”

“Come with me,” he barks a command I can’t refuse.

Alpha-whipped, I’m dragged on the march to his office.

I grind my molars.

I’ll bite myself hard enough to bleed if that’s what it takes to shake off the next command he tries.

When we enter the ritzy lobby attached to the important office suites, Hikaru’s secretary, Stacey, pops up with a file folder and a grin smeared in fresh red lipstick.

Then she spots me, and her kiss-ass expression falters. “Director Wyvern, she—”

He yanks the folder from her grip. “Don’t move until I call for you.”

She goes statue mode.

I thought I was whipped.

Guess he was holding back.

Hikaru’s office is sedate and mostly empty. No photos or personal touches. Just a dark wood desk, functional cabinets, and a scent more dust than his alpha gunpowder. Clearly he’s not around much.

“Sit.” He takes the big chair and spreads the folder he just yanked. “Your room’s listed as a suite in the A dormitory.”

“Then someone’s seriously screwing with your books, because I’ve been living in A dorm’s former laundry nook for like fifteen years.” And holy shit. “Were you charging me for a suite this whole time? I want receipts.”
