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They both stand there staring at me. Claire actually drops her mouth open in horror. Samantha says "Holy fuck, Gianna!? Did a truck hit you?" She quickly puts the things she is holding on the floor right at the open door and pulls me into the biggest hug.

I stand with my arms at my side and start crying again.

"You smell like old gym equipment girl." Samantha starts to laugh, leaning back to wipe tears from my face with her sleeve.

The girls push their way into my house. I stand at the door feeling overwhelmed, dazed, and confused.

"I am not going out guys." I manage to say.

"Oh no, sweetie, don't worry. You aren't going anywhere. Not looking like that. But we certainly are not going to abandon you here to wallow in self-pity alone OK. We have plans. But first," She scrunches up her face looking me up and down "Claire? Will you get this roadkill into a shower while I set up?"

Claire laughs, grabbing my arm. "Come on roadkill. Let's go sprinkle some fairy dust on whatever it is you have got going on here." She leads me to the bathroom and turns on the shower, adjusting the temperature, finding all my soaps and shampoos, and demanding that I strip down and climb in.

I do not even bother to think about what is going on. It is easier to just do what I am being told. It actually helps to not be the one having to make hard choices, like what temperature I want the water to be and things like that.

I stand under the hot steamy flow and instantly regret not having done this sooner. While I am busy in the shower, fogging up the windows and filling the room with steam, Claire grabs my clothes off the floor and goes to put a load of laundry in the washer.

I hear the girls chattering in the living room and laughing and joking. It is so good just to have that sound in the house. I choke back tears and turn the water off.

Wrapped in a towel I step out of the bathroom, but before I can peek into the living room to see what they are up to Samantha grabs my arm and ushers me to the bedroom. On my bed is a giant fluffy unicorn onesie. "What in the rainbow fuck is that?"

She laughs.

"Put it on. Don't ask questions!"

"I want to dry my hair quickly."

"Take your time sweetie. We are still setting up. Just don't you dare come out of this room unless you are wearing that!"

She points at the colorful onesie. "Okay?"

I nod.

* * *

It does not take me too long. When I eventually saunter out of the bedroom, wearing what was actually such a cozy and warm onesie, Claire shouts "Close your eyes!" And runs to meet me at the entrance to the living room.

Even though my eyes are closed she still puts her hands over them and tells me to trust her.

I just go along with it. Still feeling heartache but also feeling so grateful to be distracted.

She guides me until I am standing wherever it is that she needs me to be and then lifts her hands away from my eyes.

Samantha and Claire are standing near me both wearing onesies of their own. A cat and a frog. I crack up laughing at the frog. Claire looks hilarious. "Told you it would make her laugh!"

The lounge is full of scented candles, glowing warmly in all the corners. They have moved the coffee table to the side and laid out a big blanket in the middle of the room which has been turned into a massive picnic area. All kinds of different foods are spread across the floor. Crackers, cold meats, sushi, chips and dip, marshmallows, and hot chocolate. Champagne.

I start crying again.

"We love you, Chipmunk." Both of them run over to wrap their fluffy onesie arms around me. "I am not a chipmunk," I mumble "I am a unicorn."

We are all sitting cozy on the picnic blanket. Sam puts some music on in the background and the champagne is already adding sweet bubbles to my head. We are giggling a little and for the moment I can forget about my heart.

"Gi," Sam says cautiously, "I know you probably do not want to talk about him, but I found something out yesterday afternoon at work." I sit up, of course, I want to talk about him. All I want to do is talk about him.

"What do you mean?" I ask cautiously.

"Well, it's just something I thought you should know." That doesn't sound good.
