Page 32 of Lock

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“Awooo.” Jinx howled, then buried his face in Harper’s neck, playfully biting until she slapped his arm and giggled.

“Get off me, beast,” she said with the least amount of conviction possible.

“Get a fucking room. Or a damn cave, you animals,” Spec muttered.

Christ, his club was nuts. Lock couldn’t keep the grin off his face. He’d missed this over the months he’d been in a downward spiral. The laughter, camaraderie, the fucking support he’d taken for granted before his life went to shit. These men and women had his back, and now was his chance to show them he deserved their loyalty. And that meant not trying to get in the pants of the woman in his charge.

He put distance between him and Brenna with a step back.

Her immediate frown didn’t bother him.

It didn’t.

“So what’d you say, Spec?” Lock barked. “We’re playing too much when this shit is serious.”

“Okay, drill sergeant,” Jinx said, rolling his eyes, which Lock responded to with a one-fingered salute. “You heard the man, Spec, what’d you say to Ollie-boy?”

Lock snorted. Ollie-boy. It was a nickname for a dog, not a man who could give a woman like Brenna anything she needed.

“I told Ollie-boy we’d meet on his timeline the day flowers sprouted out of my ass,” Spec replied.

Brenna tried and failed to hide a laugh behind a snort. Even the strangled noise had Lock wanting to go to her. To be near her. To touch her.

“We’re meeting tomorrow morning. Five a.m. Right here. I want him on our turf, shaking in his fucking loafers and shitting his Calvins.”

“I like it,” Jinx said. “He needs to see the full power of our club and know how hard we’ll come down on his ass if he ever tries to pull shit like this again.”

“You know,” Spec said as he held a hand out for Olivia, who’d just walked back into the room. “That won’t be a worry at all if I kill the fucker.”

“No!” Brenna said with a gasp. At the same time, Lock said, “Works for me.”

She whipped in his direction, eyes wide with panic. “What? No. There will be no killing. Oh my God,” she muttered, rubbing her forehead.

“He’s kidding,” Liv said in a soothing tone.

“I’m not.”

“Spec!” Liv whacked her ol’ man’s stomach. “You’re freaking her out. Tell her this is just your sick sense of humor.”

“I’m not kidding,” Lock said. And he wasn’t. If Spec didn’t want to take the asshole out, he’d be more than happy to end his miserable life. He deserved no less for what he did to Brenna, and Lock would gladly die on that hill.

“Lock,” Brenna whispered. “I can’t have that on my conscience. Even if he deserves it.”

He ground his teeth so hard his molars creaked, but one pleading look was all it took for him to fold. “Fine, but he better be in serious pain when he leaves here.”

“Well, that I can promise you,” Spec said with a sinister grin.

“I want to be there.” Brenna stood, spine straight, and spoke the words with ultimate conviction.

Lock staggered back as though he’d been socked in the gut by a man Jinx’s size. “Hell no,” he said at the same time Spec said, “Fair enough.”

He whirled around on his brother and club enforcer. “The fuck is with everyone talking over me? There’s no fucking way she can be there.”

“Lock,” Brenna said in that same soft voice she’d used a moment ago. Instead of falling for it, this time, he held his ground.

“No,” he said, facing her. Despite everything that had happened in the past few days, Brenna was an innocent. Sure, she was fired up now, but watching Spec torture her former fiancé wasn’t an image she needed to fall asleep to at night. “Two days ago, you were terrified of us. You didn’t want to come here earlier today because you were all worried about going into an MC clubhouse. Now, you think you’re ready to see how we do our dirty work? You think you can handle watching Spec beat the shit out of your fiancé?”

