Page 38 of Lock

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She parted her mouth and allowed him in the second their lips met. If Lock was surprised by the bold move, he didn’t show it. He invaded her mouth with his tongue, making her toes curl against her strappy high heels. The intoxicating taste of him immediately went to her head. She floated on a cloud of delicious sensation, letting him lead the blazing-hot kiss. The hand on her stomach held her firmly in place, allowing him to grind his erection into her back, which he did.

Brenna whimpered into his mouth, and he swallowed the sound as he greedily devoured her.

Whoops and hollers from the men went unheard, and the reason for kissing him in the first place—straight-up screwing with Oliver—was all but forgotten. Brenna lost herself in the feel of Lock’s soft lips against her mouth, his hot and skillful tongue moving against hers, and his hard body making her so needy she wanted him to ravish her right there.

No wonder this place had a reputation for drawing in women by the dozens. Thirsty women would be lined up for miles if the men were half as potent as Lock.

Brenna lost track of time and place until Lock nipped her lower lip. The tiny sting made her moan but also brought her back to the present, where she stood in a room full of bikers and her ex making out with a man she barely knew.


She drew back and met Lock’s lust-drunk gaze. He looked like she felt—dazed, hungry, and ready for more. Somehow, she dug deep and stayed in character, turning to face Oliver. The utter shock written across his slack-jawed face was enough to propel her forward and slake her need for revenge. Whatever Spec had planned, he could finish without her.

“See you at home,” she said to Lock, who released her, but not without letting his hand slowly drag across her stomach. She suppressed tremors and faced Oliver. “Well, I got what I came for. Enjoy the rest of your day, boys.”

With that parting shot, she sashayed her way toward the exit.

With each click of her heels, her façade crumbled a little more. The pain returned to her hand in a rush of throbbing knuckles and aching bones. The gaze of every eye in the place followed her, and she felt them like hot pokers jabbing her back. With great effort, she kept her spine straight and head held high. Hopefully, no one noticed her steps quicken to a near run as she got closer to the door. Or how she yanked it open with too much force.

The second she stepped out into the steamy early morning light, she deflated. She folded in half, bracing her hands on her knees as she gulped in warm air. Her head swam, and her legs quaked.

What the hell had just happened?


LOCK WATCHED BRENNA walk out with a spike in his pants and fire in his veins. What had happened in the last five minutes made up the hottest moment of his life. Brenna had managed to deliver a fuck-you to Oliver and an I-want-to-fuck-you to him at the same time. And he was more than up to the task.


He turned back to Oliver, who looked like he’d sucked a rotten lemon. “Damn, Ollie. Gotta thank you for sending that one my way.” With a wink, he made a show of adjusting his hard dick. Not that he’d find an ounce of relief until he was buried somewhere, anywhere in Brenna.

Oliver seethed. “Fuck you,” he muttered, but with much less heat than before.

“Nah, I think I’ll let your ex take care of that.” It was a good thing none of the women were around to hear that. They’d kick him square in the nuts. But he couldn’t help himself. Pissing Ollie off was too much fun.

Jinx snickered. “Damn, it’s good to have you back, brother.”

The simple statement hit him straight in the soul. It fueled him. Acceptance from his club was eighty percent of what kept his ass in rehab. He wished he could say it was being an excellent father to Caleb, but he hadn’t dealt with his bullshit enough for that to have been his number one priority. Providing for Caleb drove him more than anything, but the club was a close second.

Spec caught his eye and gave him a single nod, which had Lock smiling. Typically, this was the enforcer’s game, but Lock got the green light to run with it. After a wink for Spec, he walked toward Ollie.

“Hey, man, I-I’m sorry, okay?” Oliver said as he lifted his hands to ward off Lock’s approach. “I didn’t want her hurt. I was just desperate. Y-you gotta understand that.”

“Desperate?” Lock repeated. “Like you didn’t have the money and were too chickenshit to take the consequences like a man, so you desperately decided to hand over Brenna instead? That what you mean by desperate?”

“I… no… that’s not… it…”

Oliver tried to back up, but every time he did, Jinx shoved him forward again.

“Look, I’m sorry. I’ll stay away from Brenna. I’ll stay away from your club. I’ll be better with money. I learned my lesson. Really.” He spoke with a nasal inflection that hadn’t been there before Brenna clocked him.

Lock scoffed. “Will you fucking relax? I just want to check your nose.”

“Oh.” Oliver let his hands fall away. His face uncrunched as his shoulders relaxed. “I think she broke it,” he said, prodding the purpling skin around his nose.

“Probably. Lemme see.” Lock stepped into Oliver’s personal space. Instead of reaching for the man’s nose, he curled his fist, cocked his elbow back, and rammed Ollie in the gut with a powerful uppercut.

The asshole groaned as he doubled over, clutching his stomach and coughing. “What the fuck?” he managed between choked sounds.
