Page 92 of Lock

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“No,” she whispered, shaking her head.

Hell no.

She forced herself to pick it up and examine the garment. They’d provided a frilly white dress like a little girl might wear, complete with pink bows and puffy sleeves. Beside the dress waited a pair of black patent leather Mary Janes. Next to the shoes was a bag. Brenna pressed a hand over her mouth as she peeked in the bag. Her eyes fell, and her heart sank to the floor.

The bag contained a giant rainbow lollipop and a fluffy brown teddy bear.

They wanted her to dress like a freaking toddler.

What. The. Fuck.

“Two minutes left,” Bolt called out.


She had at least seven. “I’m not wearing this, you sick fuck,” she shouted back as she threw the dress back on the bench.

“You put it on, or I put it on you.”

The thought of him touching her to dress her made her skin crawl.

Brenna closed her eyes and took a cleansing breath. It didn’t work. Dread still clung to her. In the next few minutes, she’d be trotted out in front of a group of deranged men. They’d bid on her while she stood there dressed like a child. Then, one would win her.

She swallowed a painful lump. Kelsie’s trauma had been an abstract concept until this moment. Now, she understood the young woman’s violent, visceral reaction to the guard showing up at the door.

“One minute!”


Brenna inhaled again as she stared at the dress.

Lock will come for you.

Her only option was to cling to that hope. With unsteady hands, she dressed in the outfit provided. Once finished, she glanced in the cracked mirror. A terrified woman who looked like an oversized child stared back at her. The flouncy dress wasn’t long enough to cover her whole ass. Luckily for her, they’d provided a lacy thong to match. She wanted to rip the pink bows off and shove them down Bolt’s throat. That thought brought the first hint of a smile since she’d been abducted.

As she stared at a horrifying version of herself, tears sprang free. She dashed them away with a huff. There wasn’t time for that. The second she got home, she was burning anything she owned made of lace. And she’d never buy white clothes again. Or pink, for that matter.

Be strong.

The door slid open without warning. Bolt barraged in, coming to a complete stop when he saw her.

“Damn.” He leered with a disgusting glint in his eye. “The tears are a nice touch. Helps set the scene,” he said with a chuckle before he made a show of adjusting his cock.

Fucking pig.

Nothing could have gotten her to stop crying faster. Brenna clenched her teeth and straightened her shoulders. Then and there, she vowed not another one of these monsters would see her upset. And it didn’t matter what Kelsie said or what she’d warned. Brenna would fight with every ounce of strength she had left. The only way one of these repulsive pieces of shit would have their sick fucking way with her was if they killed her first, and she’d make sure to inflict as much damage as possible on the way out.

Grabbing the damn props, she marched out of the room in those patent leather shoes. Bolt laughed as he trailed behind her. She clenched her fists around the lollipop stick and imagined jamming it into his eye. She had trouble killing bugs because the squish or crunch wigged her out, but she’d revel in the squelch of his eyeball rupturing.

“Up the stairs,” he ordered.

With no other choice, Brenna did as ordered. As she reached the top of the dark staircase, she could hear the loud boom of male laughter.

“Go right.”

She complied.

“Stop,” he said when she arrived near the end of another hallway—this one much shorter.
