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I opened my mouth to order him to take his hands off my body, but the words just wouldn’t come out.

DV took one step closer to me until I could feel the heat of him against my bare back. He gripped my hips with both his hands and bent his head to nuzzle my shoulder. I tilted my head to give him better access and he grazed the side of my neck with his teeth.

I let out a soft moan and leaned backwards.

“Do you want me to stop?” he murmured in my ear, pressing a soft kiss on the sensitive skin under it.

I said nothing, and he nipped my ear lobe in punishment.

“Answer me,” he demanded softly.

I clenched my hands over the folds of my towel as a flood of wetness gushed out of me.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked unsteadily.

In reply, DV pulled me backwards against his body, his arms like tight bands around me, and ground his hips into mine. The feel of his hardness against my butt took my breath away.

“Because I want you,” he growled, running his hands up and down my sides over the towel. “You’ve driven me crazy for years, with your sharp tongue and your beautiful smile, and this delicious body that I can’t wait to explore. I tried to leave you alone, Tasha. I let you go once, but I can’t stay away anymore. If you don’t want me, tell me so. I’ll leave you alone even if it kills me.”

I grabbed his hands and held them in place for a moment before I moved them slowly to my breasts. DV’s hands closed about them convulsively as he let out a slow sigh that sent ripples down my spine. Then he pushed my towel off my shoulders and turned me around.

I wound my arms around his neck and stared into his eyes as he bent his head. I met him halfway.

“This is madness. We don’t get along at all,” I whispered between feverish kisses as we devoured each other.

“I know. It’s going to end in tears. Mine, not yours. But I’ll take the tears if I can have you, once and for all,” he replied, and I nipped at his full lower lip in punishment before I pulled away.

“Okay, let’s set some rules,” I said firmly. “This is only about sex.”

DV looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m not getting back with you. Our engagement is still off,” I explained. “We get this out of our systems and move on.”

“You mean you just want to use my body?” he asked in false outrage.

“I do. It’s a very pretty body and I have plans for it,” I replied, with a shrug. “Just don’t expect anything more.”

“And what about you? You’ve never met a rule you didn’t break. Can you follow your own rules?”

I snorted in derision.

“Trust me, Your Highness. I’m never going to marry you,” I said sweetly.

That was true. I’d rather die than marry a man who didn’t love me. And while DV might want my body, it was highly unlikely that he would ever fall in love with me.

“Fine! We’ll just fuck each other’s brains out and walk away when we’re done,” he snarled, pulling me into his arms again.

He kissed me angrily, his tongue diving deep into my mouth to boss mine around. I kissed him back just as angrily because even if I knew it, I didn’t like hearing that there was no future for what we were about to start.

“Your place or mine?” he asked breathlessly, between kisses.

“Yours,” I replied.

My home was my safe space, and there was no way I was making heartbreaking memories with him in there.

With a grunt, DV tossed me over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift and broke into a run towards the house. I squealed and held on tightly as the blood rushed to my head.
