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I shrug. “You should thank me. After you parked on the curb, blocking the front entrance of The Lofts, and got towed for it… I had it delivered back to you.”

“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath, suspicious and much less excited than he was seconds ago. “Where is it?”

“In your driveway.” I smile at him, moving aside.

Quin takes one step forward, peering between the column and the side of the home. I don’t care how fucked up he is… It would be pretty goddamn difficult to miss the giant hunk of scrap parts sitting pretty on their delicately detailed driveway.

He scrunches his face up, then snaps his attention to the object in his hands before I feel the full force of his ire settle on me. His body vibrates as he rages. He spins and chucks the steering wheel through his house, into the next room, where it collides with the TV screen.

It takes everything in me to not double over, gasping through my laughter.

Instead, I bite my tongue and fight with my twitching cheeks.

“What did you do?” he snarls.

“Nothing,” I sing, amusement raising the pitch of my voice. “I never actually touched it. But I thought tit-for-tat would be a fun game to play.”

“You fucking c—”

“You and I have big issues, Copeland,” I cut him off, pulling the gun from my hip and pointing it at him. “You fucked with my business.”

He just blinks at me, frozen in place as his high wreaks havoc on his mind, leaving him with no idea what I’m talking about. Lory steps into view, and the panic finally sets in, causing Quin’s face to pale.

“What the fuck, man?” a very familiar voice yells.

Riley rushes into view, his only reaction the narrowing of his eyes when he sees me. A smirk crawls over his face as he spots the weapon in my hand. He reaches behind his back, and I scoff at him.

“Grab your gun, and I’ll shoot you again, Riot,” I softly warn. “You should know better.”

He shakes his head, his lips tilting into a full smile as he holds his hands up. Quin’s gaze bounces between us, but he’s still trying to catch up to everything that’s just happened.

“Ezra,” Riot shouts over his shoulder. “Your favorite person is here.”

“Did you order pizza?” Ezra calls back, his voice getting closer as he walks into the room beyond the foyer. “I’m so ston—Oh. Oh, no.”

“Oh, yes,” Riot teases. “Ask your brother what he did. I’m sure he’s got a fantastic answer.”

“I’d like to know the why of it as well,” I say.

I pat Quin on the chest as I amble by him, into his home, with my gun lowered. Lory shoves him inside and closes the door behind us, the flick of the deadbolt deafening in the sudden silence.

Riley flourishes his hand, welcoming me into the living room. I sit in the armchair, placing my gun in my lap as Lory stands at my back. Ezra drops onto the couch with his cousin, completely at ease, while Quin glares at his busted TV.

“What was all that noise?” Kane grumbles, running his fingers over his wet hair as he rounds the corner. “Gem… What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here?” I repeat, momentarily stunned by his appearance.

What the fuck is he doing here?

“Jim?” Quin inquires, spinning on his heel to face the federal agent. “This is Jim?”

Jesus fucking Christ.

A million things roll through my mind at the speed of light, but the one thing I can’t process is Wednesday.

Why is Kane here?

And how the fuck am I supposed to have this conversation without him finding out way too fucking much?
