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His mind reeled a little at the idea of how only a day could make such a huge difference. This time yesterday or a little earlier, he’d been apprehensive of seeing the king again. Now he couldn’t wait. Even after he’d dressed and was standing at the window, looking out, it all seemed pretty surreal. He still hadn’t made up his mind about what to do about the king’s offer, and he thought he might not know what to actually say until he was standing in front of him again.

A knock came on Blake’s door a few minutes later, and he opened it to find the guards waiting to escort him back upstairs. He went out to join them, with one of them falling behind him and the other at his side. Neither of the Tygerians spoke at all as they traveled with Blake up a floor to Davos’s suite, and Blake was glad to reach the door and go inside. The king was standing near the window wearing his sapphire-colored robes as Blake came in, and he turned toward him.

“You’re back.”

“As you see.” He held out his arms at each side and Davos looked at him admiringly.

“You look very handsome. That’s the word you use for males on Earth, isn’t it?”

“It is. And thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

Davos tilted his head and smiled. “You have strange expressions here.” He held out a hand to Blake, who crossed the room to take it. They stood looking at each other for a few moments before Davos spoke.

“I’d like to kiss you again, like we did that night on Tygeria. I want that very much. Will you let me?”

Blake nodded and shyly lifted his lips up to Davos. Davos lowered his head, but Blake stopped him just before their lips touched by a hand on his chest.

“Wait. Will you stop if I say it’s too much? I still have strong feelings about that night.”

“Of course, I will.”

Blake nodded and Davos bent slowly closer to his lips, giving Blake plenty of time to change his mind. As he came nearer, Blake noticed his scent, which was strong and sweet, but with an underlying spiciness, an alien quality that was familiar to him, though he hadn’t smelled anything like it since he’d been on Tygeria so long ago.

Blake lifted up toward him as he came, brushing his lips sweetly, and chastely over Davos’s and making him groan. Davos let his thumbs roam over each of Blake’s plumped up nipples, then lowered his head to bite gently down on one of them through his shirt.

“Is this all right?”

Blake nodded, his eyes wide as he held onto Davos’s shoulders. Things escalated quickly. Before he knew it, Davos was unbuttoning Blake’s shirt and kissing each nipple, again and again until Blake cried out and threw his head back.

“Let’s sit down, nobyo.”

Nobyo? There was that word Tygerian males called their spouses. Almost in a daze, he allowed Davos to move him to the large piece of furniture in the room meant for reclining. He sat down and pulled Blake down on his lap, so that he was straddling and facing Davos.

Blake’s cock was straining against his trousers. Running his hands over it, kissing his cheeks, his nose and even his eyelids, Davos trailed kisses down to Blake’s throat. Every move he made was gentle, as he seemed to be trying to make sure Blake knew he wasn’t forcing him in any way.

Blake responded with soft sounds of passion, little whimpers and gasps. All the time Blake was exploring this big, alien body in front of him too, putting his hands all over Davos and caressing his back. Davos’s hands moved to fasten on Blake’s ass, as Blake wrapped his arms around his neck and groaned into his mouth. His voice came out rough with passion.

“If you want to leave me tonight, then we should stop now. At least, I think I can probably stop… Otherwise, I can’t promise not to take you to my bed and keep you there.”

“No, don’t stop,” Blake said. “Please don’t.”

Davos sighed, and quickly stood to begin sliding off his robe. Blake’s eyes widened as the strong, muscular body was revealed.

“So strong,” he murmured, tracing a hand over Davos’s shoulders and arms as soon as he sat back down. Davos took his mouth with passion again, kissing him slowly, languorously, as if he enjoyed the soft, helpless sounds Blake was making. Blake had his own clothes mostly undone by now and he pushed down his trousers and arched himself up eagerly into Davos’s hand. Smiling down at Blake, Davos obligingly stroked him, before looking deep into his eyes.

“I’m going to make love to you now.”

In reply, Blake wrapped his arms around Davos’s neck and held on tightly. “Yes. It’s what I want.” He tucked his head shyly in the space between Davos’s shoulder and his throat. “But go slowly. It’s been a long time for me.”

“I’ll go as slowly and carefully as I can, nobyo. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. For as long as you’ll let me.”

He stood then and Blake wrapped his legs around his waist, holding on as tightly as he could and trying not to think about the enormity of what was happening. What was really happening, after so long. Davos carried him to the next room and lowered him onto a bed. “Wait there. I don’t want to hurt you.”

He disappeared into the adjoining bathroom, while Blake lay back against the pillows and watched him, enjoying the view of his strong, handsome body. This whole thing didn’t seem real, and he could hardly believe it was happening. In a few moments, Davos returned with a vial of oil and spread the slickness over Blake’s entrance and on his own large cock. Blake was a little in awe of it, to be honest. It was so large and had a solid black head, and it seemed impossible that it would fit inside him. He reached out and touched it and Davos shuddered. He groaned and shoved up into Blake’s hand.

He was gloriously hard. Blake fell back against the pillows so Davos could move on top of him, easily flipping him over to his stomach and then bending down to kiss and caress his body. “So beautiful,” he murmured. Blake turned his head to look back at him and Davos leaned over to take his mouth in a kiss that was so hot it made Blake’s lips tingle. His tongue slipped inside Blake’s mouth, and a dark and dangerous heat flooded him and stole his breath.

It was crazy that he was here with the king this way. The kisses left his mouth and trailed over his throat and down his back. They roused shivers down his spine, and he felt heavy-limbed, but also as if this had always been inevitable, and he’d been waiting for it, half dreading it and half yearning for it for years.

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