Page 10 of Wrecked

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“Nothing,” I reply. All the old facilities are gone. Now we just have a storage for the chairs and the food we collect weekly for the church’s program. “You can walk me home. I live just three blocks away.”

“I’ll drive you,” he says. That voice, even at this moment, does things to me.

After a few minutes, we walk to where a shiny SUV is waiting. David opens the door for me and helps me to hop in. The car smells like him. Masculine and delicious. I close my eyes for a second as the memories assault me.

No words come from his mouth on the short drive to my home. It’s just me saying, this way, turn left here, that yellow cottage at the corner, while pointing at the white picket fence at the front of the property.

The silence feels even heavier when we walk the short steps to the front porch, but as soon as I close the door behind us. His eyes glitter with anger. “You left.”

My shoulders stiffen as I throw my head back, tipping out my chin. “I looked for you.”

“Now I understand why it was so complicated to find you.” His nostrils flare as the tiny vein in his temple pulses. “You gave me a fake name.”

“That’s not a fake name. It’s anickname.” Some of the anger evaporates, but the fear of the unknown remains.

“And you gave him mine.”

I’m not sure what to say, but I go for the truth in the end. “It was the only thing I had from you, so I gave it to him.”

“What’s his name?”

“David Emmanuel Garfield,” I say, walking to my kitchen, opening the fridge to offer him a bottle of water, and taking another for me. “When he started talking, I was teaching him the Spanish pronunciation of your name.” I shrug. “As you taught me that night, but he was unable to pronounce the d at the end. Since then, Davi has stuck with all of us.”

That seems to placate his mood a notch. “I like it,” he says with a quick smile. “I hired a PI, you know? I tried to find you. At first, I thought I was crazy, but you left a note and your panties.”

The only lace panties I’ve ever worn. A reminder of our night together. Heat settles over my cheeks.

“I was trying to escape without waking you up,” My lips curve up a little. “And the note… I just didn’t know how to say goodbye.”

“I wanted more time with you….” His eyes are like wildfire, his fingers almost squeezing the plastic bottle. “We would have ended in a very different way, and I wouldn’t have missed all this time with my son.”

Fury ignites inside me. “Don’t you dare to blame me,” I point my finger at him. “Are you telling me you were ready for a relationship? With the one-night stand girl?”

David hauls out one of my breakfast bar stools and drops onto it. His eyes look haunted as he stays silent.

Oh gosh, something tells me this will be bad news.

Horrible news.

Chapter Four


They say be careful with what you wish for. I’ve heard that a thousand times. However, this is the first time I believe the saying to be true.

My tongue is begging me for a drink, fighting the scream for oblivion.

I’m at her home, shaken to the core. Not just because I found her, finally. And she’s even more gorgeous than in my dreams. But because I just found out, I have a son.With her. A three-year-old boy. A rain of emotions is hitting me. My entire body feels cold under the storm.

Mixed with this feeling of gratitude for her, anger is booming in my chest.

I’m angry with myself. For being an addict.

I’m angry with life itself which made me miss the first years of my son’s life.

And I’m angry with her, too. I don’t care if that was anickname. Using that name made it impossible for me to find her.

What fucking bullshit.
