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Caroline’s phone dinged with a text message, and she glanced at it.

“That was Tessa. She said she won’t be home until late tonight.” Sophie felt a sense of relief. She wasn’t ready to deal with Tessa and her moodiness just yet.

“Let’s go into the living room and watchMurders. If you guys are ready.”

Max swallowed his last bite of pizza. “Let’s do it.”

Sophie headed into the office early Monday morning. She wanted to get in and ready for the week ahead. She grabbed her notebook with her list of contacts she’d put together over the weekend. She intended to get a mailing out that day introducing herself and highlighting a few of her local listings. It might not do anything, but it was possible that it could generate a referral that might turn into a buyer or a seller.

After the sales meeting, Sophie went back to her desk intending to get started on the mailing but had a few messages she had to return first. A half hour later, she opened up her notebook and started inputting the information into the database so she could send the mailing out. An hour later, she was just about ready to click “send” to generate the labels for the letter she was mailing, when her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number on the caller ID.

“This is Sophie Lawton.”

“Sophie, it’s Sean Prescott. From the restaurant the other night. We talked about a rental.” Tessa’s Sean.

“Hi Sean. Tessa is here this morning, I can transfer you over to her,” she offered.

“I already talked to Tessa. I called her first thing. And she said nothing new had come in. I asked if she was sure? And she asked if I was still looking for three bedrooms. I told her I could flex for two if there was a bigger room that could be partitioned off. She still said there was nothing. So, here I am. Is that rental you mentioned still available?”

Sophie quickly pulled up the rentals list on her laptop. “Yes, it’s a new listing. It’s still available.”

“Okay, I’d like to see it ASAP. Can we go today?”

Sophie took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure what she could or should do. “Sean, let me find out. Can I call you right back?”

“Sure thing.”

Sophie hung up the phone and glanced toward Rick’s office. He was off the phone and staring intently at this computer, reading an email. She stood and walked to his office and stood in the doorway. He looked up, and waved her in.

“What’s up Sophie?”

Sophie told him about Sean, and her conversation with him at the restaurant. “He told me at the restaurant that he wanted me to show him the rental, but I insisted that he call Tessa since they were already working together. He agreed and I thought that was the end of it. But he just called now and said he did call her this morning, and she said she didn’t have anything to show him.”

Rick frowned. He picked up the phone and punched an extension. “Tessa, can you pop into my office for a second?”

She walked in a moment later and looked confused to see Sophie there as well.

“Tessa, did you talk to a Sean Prescott this morning about a rental?”

“Yes, I’ve been keeping an eye out for him.”

“What did you tell him today?”

“Just that I’d let him know if we get any three bedrooms in.”

“What about the new rental unit on Fifth?” Rick asked.

“That’s not a three bedroom.”

“No, but it has a huge living room that could be made into an office or third bedroom.”

“I suppose so. I just thought of it as a two bedroom and that’s not what he said he wanted.” She glanced at Sophie. “Why is she here?”

Rick explained that Sophie had met Sean and immediately thought of the unit. “She told him to call you, Tessa. Since he did that, and you didn’t tell him about this rental, he wants to work with Sophie. We just wanted to be upfront with you on that. I’m sure you understand.”

Tessa shot a cold glare Sophie’s way. “Sure, no problem.” She turned and walked out of the room.

Rick grinned. “There you go. Go ahead and show him the rental.”
