Page 71 of Shadowed Heart

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Cora smiles. “Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t.”

His eyes heat at the challenge, and he snaps his teeth at her. “Later,” he promises and puts another small fruit into his mouth.

The yawn slips from my lips before I can stop it, and Cora smiles. “Perhaps some rest is in order. I’m sure you’re all weary after your long journey. You have full use of the room I showed you to. If you require more bedding for anyone who prefers the floor, there should be plenty in the cabinet.”

“Your kindness is appreciated,” Kaito replies with all the grace of royalty.

Cora comes up and wraps her arms around me in another tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re back,” she whispers, and in that whisper, I hear her fear of losing me again.

“I’m never going anywhere ever again,” I promise as I return the hug just as tightly. “Wherever you go, I go.”

She sighs. “Make sure you don’t go somewhere I can’t follow,” she rasps and releases me. I nod in answer, and her shoulders relax, as if she’s been carrying that tension with her since the tower. “Good. We’ll let you retire for the evening then. Let me know if there’s anything you need.”

“Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait until morning,” Grim grumbles, his expression full of heat for his queen.

I laugh. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. Thank you.”

Weyland grabs a large platter of meat as we move to leave, and I raise my brows at him. “What?” he asks. “I’m starving.”

Together, the five of us retire to the room Cora had shown me, and I take in the large bed. Though it’s sizable, I doubt we can all fit in it comfortably. At least there’s a couch in the room as well—one of them can sleep there if the need arises.

When the door closes behind me, I turn, expecting to find all four of my monsters behind me. Instead, I find only Kaito and Weyland.

“Where are Dade and Rook?” I ask, frowning.

“Giving us some privacy,” Kaito answers, and although he’s always kind, there’s a fierceness in his large eyes that makes my heart skip a beat.

“Privacy for what?” I rasp. I have to lick my lips when they are suddenly dry, and their eyes follow the action.

“Whatever you wish,” Weyland replies. “If you would like to sleep, then we’ll do that,” he replies sweetly, but there’s a challenge in his eyes—one I feel burning through me.

I meet his gaze. “I don’t want to sleep,” I whisper. “I’m not tired at all.”

Kaito smiles so brightly, it’s blinding. “Very good, Kai.”

When Kaito strides toward me, I hold still, not quite sure how to start this. My mouth waters for him, for Weyland, as they both watch me hungrily. I’ve yet to have sex with mos of them, and now my two sweet monsters are offering just that. My body hums with excitement, and I have to clamp my thighs together to keep from lunging toward them.

Kaito stalks around me like a predator and I’m easy prey, while Weyland watches as he does so, content to stand by while Kaito winds me up.

Kaito stops behind me and leans down, his breath fanning across my shoulders. When he presses his lips there, I shiver. His claws trail softly down my arm, over my elbow, then my forearm, before tracing the lines on my palm. I tilt my head to the side to give him access, trusting him completely. He gently tugs at the strap of the dress, pulling it down my arm and letting it hang at my waist, revealing a single breast to Weyland’s eyes. The wolf makes a sound of longing, but he doesn’t come closer.

Not yet.

When the strap on my other arm follows, fully revealing my chest to them, my nipples pebble at the attention and cool air. Kaito’s hands come around to cup them, and I find myself leaning back against his chest as he strokes me.

“Kai,” he whispers along my skin as he worships me. “So beautiful.”

Weyland seizes the opportunity to stalk forward, his eyes on me as he moves closer. His warmth covers my front as he stops before me. I don’t know what I expect him to do, but when he drops to his knees, I gasp in surprise.

With heated eyes, Weyland grabs the hem of my dress and slowly raises it, giving me ample opportunity to say no. I don’t. With a grin, he hooks one of my knees over his shoulder. My dress cascades around my hips, leaving me bare for him as he leans in and swipes his tongue up my slit. My legs threaten to buckle, but they support me, keeping me on my feet.

I moan, leaning back harder against Kaito. His claws cup my chin and turn my head to the side. When he claims my lips, I moan into his mouth, desperate for more. He breaks the kiss, and I mewl in protest, making him smile.

“If, at any time, it becomes overwhelming, tell us to stop,” Kaito instructs. “No matter what we’re doing, we’ll stop. Understand?”

I nod my head frantically. Of course I’m not stopping now, but I appreciate the sentiment. Before, I wasn’t strong enough for a kiss and Kaito remembers. Now, my healing has brought me here, and I’m eager to taste my monsters.

“More,” I say. “I need more.”
