Page 91 of Shadowed Heart

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“Stop fussing, my love.”I smirk as I take her hands, which are twisting the fabric of her gown. “You look magnificent. You look like a queen, but moreover, you look like our mate.”

Her face softens. “Are you sure?” she asks. Kai has always been too kind, but she worries she isn’t enough, even now.

If she could only see herself through my eyes, she would never ask that question again. Her hair hangs down past her shoulders, her orange streaks bright with her power. Her eyes glow like they always seem to with her, and her skin takes on the same sheen. Her lips are painted a deep, burnt orange to match her hair, and her eyes have been darkened with magical makeupsupplied by a pixie. Her magical ink crawls along her exposed arms, showing her gift.

Her dress is a simple black silhouette, but as she moves, it lights from within with her power. The deep, plunging V neckline almost makes me growl possessively, and the jeweled necklace circling her throat makes me recall last night, when my hand was there. Across her tiny waist, cinching it in more, is an orange, glowing belt.

She looks every inch the dark monster queen she was always meant to be.

She also looks every inch mine, which she is. That was cemented last night under the full blood moon.

We had an intimate ceremony last night where we swore our eternal love for one another, but today won’t only be the coronation, but a binding marriage for Cora and her mates, as well as Kai and us, for the whole of the kingdom to witness.

Cupping her face, unable to resist, I rest my forehead against hers. “I am just a mere monster, my love.” I shush her when she goes to interrupt. “And every day I wake to you feels like a dream. I have been blessed. You’re a being who wasn’t made for this world, and we all know it. You are kindness, hope, and love. You are healing. You were made to be queen, and you were made to be ours, but if you get nervous today, just look at us. Find us and see how much we love you, how proud of you we are. Find us and remember you are ours, and we are yours, and that will never change. Whether we live in a tiny cottage or a huge palace. You are still Kai, and I am still Weyland.”

Shadows stroke across her comfortingly, and I know Rook must be close, but he offers us privacy. It’s hard learning to share, but we are figuring it out.

“I love you,” she whispers, her eyes glassy with tears.

“I love you forever, Kai. Now go show them what a true queen looks like.” I kiss her head and step back as Dade offers her hisarm. We fought for the right, and he won. He looks smug as he winks at her, but it makes her giggle, and I can’t deny what a pair they make. Instead, I step behind her.

Kaito walks before her, and Rook lingers behind in the shadows.

When the trumpets sound, the doors open of their own accord, and I smile brightly at the sight awaiting us.

Awaiting her.

My queen.

My mate.

I holdmy mate’s arm proudly as we step into the golden throne room—the very room where a disgraced king once stole my mate’s innocence and hope. Now it stands as a symbol of forgiveness and the future we hold.

I have never been so proud to belong to someone.

Thousands line the city walls, and as many as possible are squished into the throne room here in the castle, all vying for their first look. Monsters and humans alike gather together, and when we appear, gasps spread quickly through the crowd.

I feel Rook’s shadows wind through my legs and roll my eyes, but I can’t deny that when he wraps them around her like dancing tendrils, the effect is stunning.

We walk slowly down the aisle, the golden carpet crushing under our feet as we head toward the waiting throne—or should I say thrones, since there are now two. Both are a stunning mix of gold, gray, and black.

Cora waits for her sister, the crown atop her head blindingly gold. Her dress sways with her movements, gold where Kai’s is black, yet she holds out her hand and I release my grip, lettingKai pass from me to her. Their hands clasp as they face the thrones and bow before turning to face the people gathered.

We step back to the side, watching proudly as Kai lifts her chin, steadying herself.

“Today, we gather to welcome a new era, a new ruler, and a new way of life. So many were lost due to hatred, but from now on, we lead with love and a little iron fist when needed.” Cora winks as the crowd laughs. “Many know my sister as the hero of the golden fields who saved thousands of lives. Some know her as the little girl from the Shadow Lands who always had a smile on her face. Some know her from the time the king stole her away and tried to break her, yet here she stands. She had every opportunity to let hatred and anger corrupt her. Instead, she chose life and forgiveness. I couldn’t think of anyone better to lead our people with me, to correct me when I am wrong, and to soften me. Since the day I was born, Kai and I have been inseparable, and that won’t change. We simply got lost for a little while in the middle. Now, we stand before you, claiming our mates in marriage and claiming these thrones in hope. We beg for your compassion, we hope for your love, and we promise you protection, from now until the day we go to the grave together.” Cora turns and picks up a crown, then she smiles softly at Kai. “My sister, my best friend, I have always looked up to you. Your kindness inspires me, your hope is infectious, and I have my own now because of you. I hope we stand together for a very long time and we both get the life we deserve. Kneel.”

Kai does, sinking down effortlessly, and my heart aches for my beauty.

She promised never to be on her knees again, but she goes willingly for her sister.

“Do you promise to lead with the same values by which you live? Do you swear to honor people while offering new ways forthe future? Do you vow to stand by my side and protect the kingdom until our last breath?”

“I do. I promise. I swear. I vow.” Kai bows her head.

“Then I, Cora, queen of the lands, declare you Queen Kai.” She places the crown atop Kai’s hair, and it settles there like it’s always belonged. Cora helps her to her feet, and they stand side by side.

Gold and black.
