Page 34 of Monster's Past

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She takes it from me, a curious expression on her face. “The history of the bean sídhe?”

I nod. “Banshees.”

“Why...oh. You think that’s what I am.”

“You’ll know better than I will,” I respond. “You’ve experienced your dreams, whereas I’ve only heard about them. But a few of the things you’ve said made me think about omen-related beings. You said you sensed when your hamster was going to die, and then there was a moment where I just got that sense from you. I can’t fully explain that one.”

“So why banshees?”

“Because they’re what you described.” I gesture to the book.

She flips it open and scans the first few pages. I watch her read, nervously waiting for her verdict. I’m not sure whether I want to be right or not. On the one hand, it’ll give her the answers that I know she’s been searching for, on the other, I can’t imagine it’ll be nice for her to know that she can predict death.

But everything adds up. Her dreams started at the right age, the colour of her hair, the descriptions she’s given of the women in her dreams, and even the dreams themselves. I don’t think she’s prophesying anyone’s death, it’s just her powers awakening, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to be stressful.

Anja lets out a small gasp.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“This woman.” She taps a page of the book.

I lean over and look at the picture she’s pointing to. “She looks a bit like you,” I say.

“She’s the woman from my dreams.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, but I hear it.

“Are you sure?” I scan the caption, but it doesn’t reveal very much.

“Yes.” Anja sets the book down, a confused expression on her face.

I guess that leaves no doubt in my mind about what she is. There’s no way this can be a coincidence.

“I need air,” she murmurs, pushing her chair back and racing away before I even have time to process her words.

I stare after her, confused by what I’m supposed to do. Should I follow her? She didn’t say not to, but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Clearly she needs this book and the information in it. I grab it and head over to the desk where Mr. Brecken seems as if he’s almost asleep.

I clear my throat and he startles to attention.

“Ah, Cethin, you’re still here,” he says.

I smile. “I am, it took me a while to get through all the books you found me.”

“It must be a very interesting project you’re working on,” he says.

I think of the beautiful potential-banshee who has just gone running from the room. “The most interesting I’ve ever worked on,” I respond. “Is it okay if I check this one out? I just need to run an errand before I come back and deal with the others.” I feel bad for leaving them, but I need to get back to Anja.

“It’s fine, I can put them back,” the librarian responds. “Let me see the one you want.”

I hand it to him.

He clicks his tongue and types a few things into the computer next to him. “No one’s wanted this one in a long time.”

“It’s a subject of special interest to me.” Which isn’t even a lie.

“A fascinating one too. Banshees carry a load far greater than you or I could ever imagine.” He hands the book to me. “All yours. Just make sure you bring it back in a couple of weeks.”

“You know I will.” I’m already turning and slipping it into my bag, anxious to go find Anja and make sure she’s okay.
