Page 31 of Silent Girl

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“I need your help,” he says.

“With what?” I ask, my gaze flicking around the room.

“I need you to dance with me. Otherwise, I might be forced to live out the rest of my life with nothing but regret and a bunch ofwhat ifs.” He smiles.

“I doubt that,” I say, though I can’t help but smile back at him.

“Please, one dance. Just one. If I have to walk back over there to my buddies, alone, they’re going to know you blew me off, and they’ll never let me live it down,” he says.

“Well, I’d sure hate that for you.” I laugh. “One dance, but you should know I have no intention of going home with you or hooking up in a dark corner of this club.”

“Noted.” He nods, then holds out a palm. “One dance.”

Taking his proffered hand, I let him lead me onto the dance floor as I quickly down what’s left of my liquid courage and discard the cup. “What’s your name?” I lean into his ear to ask the question.

“Oliver. What’s yours?”


“Well, Aliyah, I do believe this dance is mine,” he says, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me tight up against his chest. He has a nice enough body. I can feel the hardness of his muscles beneath his shirt. Though it’s nothing compared to when I was pressed up against Liam.

Damn it, Aliyah. We are not thinking about him.

I turn around and start dancing in a way I wouldn’t usually. I need to take my mind off a certain hockey player. I can’t touch him. But I can touch Oliver, and more than that, I can let him touch me.

Oliver’s hands grip my hips as I move my ass against his groin. “Shit, Aliyah, I think I might die out on this dance floor. Are you sure I can’t change your mind on the whole coming home with me thing?” he asks, bending down to brush his lips against my ear.

“I’m sure. Sorry, I’m not that kind of girl,” I say. “But I will dance with you.”

“I’ll take it.” He grins.

I feel Oliver step back from me. I spin around to see what he’s doing, only to find Liam fucking King fisting my dance partner’s shirt while growling something in the guy’s face. Oliver looks at me, then back to Liam. As soon as Liam lets him go, Oliver practically runs in the other direction.


How did I let myself end up in this situation? And what the fuck just came over me?

The evening started out simple enough. Me, just hanging out with my new teammates. I was standing up on the VIP level of Jay’s, a nightclub I let the boys drag me to after a stint at the bar, despite my better judgment. McIntosh, one of the team’s wingers, was standing next to me when he pointed down at the dance floor and cursed.

“There’s going to be a bloodbath in here when Gray sees that,” he said.

I looked to where he was pointing to see Aliyah grinding her hot little ass on some random dude. And then the only thing Isawafter that was fucking red.

I have no idea what came over me. I’m not a jealous person. Why would I be? But seeing another guy with their hands on her had me fuming.

I stormed down to the dance floor and pried him off her; then I told him if I ever caught him with his hands on her again, I’d tear them from his body. The little prick ran away practically pissing himself. And that, ladies and gentlemen, leads me to right now, where I’m presently standing in the middle of the dance floor in front of a less-than-pleased babysitter.

“What the fuck, Liam?” she screams.

I nod my head to the balcony where the whole fucking team seems to have gathered to watch my demise. How the hell am I going to explain what I’ve just done?

“It was either me or your brother. I figured that guy had a better chance of surviving with me,” I lie. I didn’t even give Gray a second thought when I was pushing my way through the crowd to get to Aliyah.

She glances up at the balcony and shakes her head. “He can go to hell, along with you. I’m a grown-ass woman, which means I can dance with whomever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want,” she says.

A group of girls comes and stands next to her. Her friends. I remember their faces from the video call I interrupted.

“Sure, go on and tell your brother that.” I cross my arms over my chest.
