Page 45 of Silent Girl

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“He’s fine. He’s not even drinking, and the man deserves to let loose and celebrate his first Knights’ win.”

“I don’t care if he scored a hat trick, Gray. He’s leaving.” I fold my arms over my chest, and Liam’s eyes go right to my cleavage before he groans and lifts his gaze.

“He’s staying,” Gray insists.

“Really? Should I call Dad, get him down here, and let him decide where he wants his player?” I ask.

“Go for it. I’d love to see his face with you looking like that. What do you think he’d say, Lia? What do you think he’ddo?” Gray challenges me.

“Argh, you are impossible. Come on, King, I’m dropping you home and you’re staying there.”

“Can I at least bring a friend?” Liam asks me with a grin.

I look at him, open-mouthed,shocked. He did not just ask me that, did he?

“No,” I snap, turning on my heel before I push my way through the crowd to the front door. By the time I reach Jim and retrieve my coat, Liam is hot on my heels. He silently follows me to my car and climbs into the passenger seat. I throw my coat in the back and turn on the ignition.

I don’t know why I’m fuming but I am.A friend?Can he bringa friendhome?

“You know I wasn’t serious, right? I said that for your brother’s benefit, princess.”

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me. I don’t care.”

“You sure? 'Cause I gotta tell ya you seem a little pissed off. Which is fine with me. Angry sex is fucking hot,” he says.

“I wouldn’t know. I don’t have sex with people I don’t like.”

“You can be angry with people you like, Aliyah.”

“Shut up,” I hiss as my fingers grip the steering wheel tighter. Why does he get under my skin so badly?


Even when she’s angry, she’s fucking stunning. I don’t get it. I never do this. I never bother engaging with women when they get all emotional or angry. Trust me, I’ve pissed plenty of them off. Usually, I just walk away. Forget them and think nothing of it…or them.

But with Aliyah, it’s different. I want her to yell at me. I want her to react to my stupidity. I want her to curse me out, because she’s fucking adorable when she does. It’s weird. I know. I just haven’t found a single thing about this girl that I don’t like.

Apart from her choice of outfit tonight. I can’t believe she walked into the bar looking like that. Likethis. I look over at her. So much fucking skin on display. Her skirt doesn’t even cover her pussy when she’s sitting in the car. I have a clear view of her white lace panties that are so sheer they may as well be see-through.

Fuck, I’m going to die. Her brothers are going to kill me.

But it’ll be worth it.I grin at the thought.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she says.

“Babe, you didn’t wearthatfor me not to look,” I tell her.

“I told you I was in bed. I never said I was alone, Liam,” she says.

What the actual fuck…? I see red. Blood red. And it’s not my blood. No, it’ll belong to whomever the fuck she’s talking about right now.

“Who?” I ask, attempting to keep the homicidal tendencies out of my tone.

Aliyah looks at me briefly before she returns her eyes to the road. “It’s none of your business,” she says.

“You’re wrong. It’s my business because you’re mine, Aliyah. If you don’t wanna accept that we’re destined for each other yet, that’s okay. I’m patient. But don’t think for one second that I’m going to share you with anyone else, while I wait for you to work up the courage to actually take something you want in life,” I tell her.

Aliyah slams a foot down on the brakes. I peer up into the rearview mirror, thanking the hockey gods that they’re no cars behind us.
