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I still couldn’t believe it; the chances were so slim. Maybe this was part of “God’s plan.” I couldn’t gamble with Aria’s life, but I trusted Rick’s expertise. If he said that my brother was the best match, then I just had to deal with it.

After he left, I looked at my ex and said, “Could you do me a favor and backtrack eighteen years? I’d like to know how this ‘mix up’ happened.”


The One Night Stand

New Hampshire


August heat in New England was unbearable, but for sixteen-year-old Natalie Miller, she had the luxury of having an air-conditioned home. Her friend Candice was visiting her that evening, painting her nails, when the telephone on her nightstand started ringing.

“Oh, my gosh!” Natalie got up. “That’s probably him!” Turning down the radio, she dove for the phone over her bed and tried to control her excitement. “Hello?”

Candice rolled her eyes when she heard Noah’s voice on the other end. Knowing that Natalie would talk his ear off, she busied herself by rummaging through her closet for outfits. They had been best friends since first grade.

“So,” said Nat. “You’re canceling our date tonight?”

The green-eyed, red head whipped her head around and shot Natalie an irritated glare. Candice had never been a fan of Noah, and this wasn’t the first time he had canceled on her best friend.

“I just thought… No, I understand, but… Can’t you tell your mother to back off? Why is she always filling your schedule with stupid errands every time you’ve got plans with me? This isn’t fair, Noah!”

Candice noticed the crack in Natalie’s voice and sat next to her when she noticed her crying. “Nat, break it off! He keeps doing this to you! It’s ridiculous!”

“I… I’m not happy, Noah.” Natalie wept. “I’m tired of you putting me on the back burner.” She steeled herself and let him speak before she said, “It’s a Saturday night, and I’m supposed to be out with my boyfriend, but he’s canceled on me for the hundredth time… Yes, you heard me… Yeah? Well, maybe I don’t wanna be your girlfriend anymore!”

Candice gently placed her hand on Natalie’s shoulder and encouraged her to tell him off.

“What’s the point in seeing each other, if we don’t evenseeeach other?” Natalie argued. “… Fine! It’s over! We’re over! Thank your precious mother for that!” She slammed the phone down and cried.

“You did the right thing,” Candice said. “Noah’s just a rich asshole on Mommy’s leash.”

“He called me selfish for not understanding his situation. I’ve been nothing but understanding throughout this relationship! His mother hates me! She insults me right to my face, and he hardly ever takes my side!”

“All the more reason to move on from the jerk.”

“This is so not how I imagined spending my weekend.”

“It’s still not over. Come on, we need to get you all dolled up so we can go to that house party. You don’t need a boyfriend to have fun. Let’s celebrate your first night of freedom from Noah and that psycho mother of his. I don’t want to see you lock yourself up in this room and cry over a guy who’s totally not worth your tears.”

But Natalie couldn’t help it; she broke down. “I hate loving Noah—it hurts. I wish I never met him!”

“Stop crying, Natty. I doubt he’s this upset over you. If he really loved you, he would have called right back. I don’t hear your phone ringing.”

The troubled blonde sniffled and dried her eyes. “You’re right—screw him.”

“That’s the spirit!” Candice grinned and stood up. “Now, let’s get dressed and go to Vicky’s party. I’m sure we’ll meet lots of hot guys who are way better than Noah. How does that sound?”

It took a while for Natalie to answer, but she finally said, “Let’s do it.”


Vicky Hewitt’s house was vibrating with music as Candice and Natalie stepped on the porch and rang the doorbell. They were greeted by their host and invited inside. Natalie figured there were at least a hundred people at the party.

“Are your parents out of town?” Candice asked.

“Obviously!” Vicky replied. “Make yourself at home, ladies. There’s plenty of booze in the kitchen.”
