Page 25 of Lean on Me

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“You said you’d never let me fall.”

His radiant smile lit up his entire face. “When exactly did you fall, Mr. London?”

He smiled back through trembling lips. “The moment I met you.”


Christmas Eve, One Year Later…

“He’s here.” Slipping into Kai’s bedroom, Melissa closed the door behind her with a quiet click. “Oh.” One hand went to her mouth, and she pressed the other to her chest. “Oh, wow.”

Tugging at the sleeve of his crimson dress shirt, Kai glanced up at his sister with a pinched expression. “Is it too much?”

The black slacks molded to every dip and curve, and the dress shirt hugged his chest like an old lover. Paired with a white bow tie and a pair of matching wingtips, he had dressed to impress. He had been pleased when he’d first seen himself in the mirror, but now he worried he was trying too hard.

“It’s too much,” he insisted. “I’m going to change.”

“Kai.” Crossing the room, Melissa took him by both hands and waited for him to meet her gaze. “You look amazing.” Her smile brightened. “Breathe.”

He couldn’t believe the change a year had made in his baby sister. Gone was the naïve, reckless girl who had pushed Kai at every turn. Standing before him was a strong, capable, and confident woman. As much as Kai hated being so far away from her, he had to admit that Denver had been good for Melissa.

There hadn’t been another man in her life since her brief fling with Daniel. She hadn’t sworn off men completely or anything so dramatic. She’d simply been taking time to focus on herself, and honestly, she’d never looked happier. Still, Kai hoped his sister found love one day.

When she was older.

Much older.

Like fifty.

Kai had to laugh at himself. He knew he wasn’t being fair, but he couldn’t help it. Melissa would always be his baby sister, and no man would ever be good enough for her.

“What are you laughing about?”

Kai shook his head. “Nothing. I’m just really proud of you, Mel.”

Her expression softened, and moisture welled in her eyes as she pulled Kai into a tight hug. “Okay.” With a loud exhale, Melissa released him, grabbed his tailored jacket from the end of the bed, and held it up. “Ready to do this?”

After slipping into the jacket, he pressed a kiss to Melissa’s cheek, then reached for the black velvet box on the nightstand. Clutching it protectively in his fist, he held it close to his chest and nodded.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“I’ll meet you guys at the club.” Melissa grabbed him again in a brief, crushing hug. “Good luck.”

Dating one of the best bartenders in the city had its perks—like access to Sintury’s annual Christmas Eve party. Tickets for the event cost a fortune, and yet they sold out every year within hours of going on sale. Kai didn’t really see what all the hype was about, but he had to admit he’d had fun the previous year. Then again, he always had the best time with Bas, no matter where they went or what they did.

Tucking the hand with the box behind his back, he followed Melissa down the hallway to the living room. The instant he saw Bas, his breath caught, and he stumbled when his toe snagged the edge of the coffee table.

“Whoa.” Reaching out, Bas caught him by the elbow to steady him. “I swear you are going to be the death of me.” With his hand still on Kai’s elbow, he leaned in to kiss his cheek. “You look stunning, baby.”

“Thank you.” Keeping the jewelry box hidden behind his back, he reached up with his free hand to smooth one side of Bas’ bowtie. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr. Diaz.”

Even if he was already planning how best to get him out of that tuxedo at the end of the night.

“Okay, I’m going to take off now.” With all the subtlety of a brick, Melissa grabbed her coat and darted toward the door.

“Oh,” Bas said. “I thought we were all going to go together.”

“I need to make a stop before everything closes,” Melissa lied. “I’ll meet you there.” She waved and hurried out the door before Bas could argue further.
