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Her entire body blushed after the incredible sex they’d just had as twilight faded into dusk. It was one of the, if not the singular, most romantic moment of her entire life. When they’d finished, they lay in each other’s arms with the blanket pulled over their bodies, heat diffusing off their skin like steam from a train.

The moon had emerged, its brilliance casting their skin in a dewy glow. They spoke as stars began to poke through the stained quilt of the sky, winking at their nude forms.

“It’s not like this where I’m from,” Sarah said, laying upon Kael’s chest, running her fingers along his tracings.

“What do you mean?” Kael said.

Sarah adored the way his voice rumbled through his body, running down his throat and his chest and filtering through his lungs. It had the quiet musings of a rumbling, cautionary storm.

“The moon and the stars aren’t this bright,” she continued, marveling at the way the galaxy above seemed to blink and flicker like candlelight. “It also depends where you are, with all the light pollution in the city disrupting it.”

“Light pollution?”

Sarah giggled. She knew as the words came out of her mouth that he may not comprehend them. She sat up, the blanket dropping from her breasts as she propped herself up on her arms, pouring over Kael’s remarkably fit and rippled form.

His eyes were still emanating gold even in the dark. It was a unique shade that she hadn’t encountered on Earth, a mix of rose gold and something else ineffable. Threads of coral and peach spun like yarn around the veins of them like some kind of mystical fairy tale. She was enamored with him. The dusty lilac smolder of the moonbeam didn’t help either. It was so devastatingly charming that she could barely find her words again.

“What?” he said, smirking.

“Light pollution is when there’s too much light from the city, so it blocks out the stars and other planets and such.”

Kael moved his arm from the back of his head and, without breaking eye contact, brought his mouth down between her breasts. His lips on her were shockingly tender, gliding their way up to the nape of her neck. They had already gone multiple rounds, but that apparently didn’t matter to her lubricating pussy. She burned insatiably for him.

“I wasn’t referring to the terminology,” he crooned, making his way up to her earlobe. “The way you were looking at me. Tell me. I want to know what you’re thinking.”

Sarah felt a surge of anxiety make her body go rigid, and he abruptly stopped nibbling on her neck. He brought his face out to hers, a look of anticipated despair stabbing Sarah in the chest. He stroked her hair, pushing the bangs out of her eyes and threading his fingers along the back of her skull. Sarah had never been so cared for in her entire life. Yet she was still afraid.

“Tell me,” he repeated, still soft and inviting. “I want to know what’s going on in that beautiful mind.”

She felt like there was no going back. She was falling for an alien military Captain, and there was no way she was ever going to know how he felt until she went into it head-first.

He hooked her chin and ran his thumb along her bottom lip, the way he had the first time they’d made love. Sarah felt her heart hammering, her lips beginning to tremble with the sanctity of the moment.

“I suppose I’m scared, Kael,” she said, swallowing to gain some courage. “I know you have loved before. And you call her your mate. That’s akin to soul mates where I come from.”

He blinked but remained remarkably stoic. He wasn’t sinking away from her, so she took advantage.

“That’s a lot to live up to. It’s not like you broke up with someone you loved. You lost her tragically, and I know it’s a raw wound to dig into, but it scares me to think that you have her in your mind, frozen in time. A perfect oil painting.”

Sarah hadn’t planned the words before they fell out of her mouth. They had come from someplace poetic and blunt. She didn’t realize it lived there, deep inside. It was something that happened to people who had lost something so profoundly close to them. They had to be honest because being deceitful wasted time. Getting straight to the point would be prudent for them both.

Kael finally looked away, his fingers dropping from her lips. He sat up completely, his head falling into his hands. It was the most emotion he had shown her since she had arrived on the planet.

“I know I haven’t told you everything, Sarah. That isn’t fair to you. I will tell you about Petal and what happened. You deserve to know.”

Sarah sat up and laid her head against Kael’s back. It was wide and broad like a hallowed mountain. She could feel him breathing as he spoke, the words like razor blades being pulled up his throat.

“I met Petal at a young age. Teenagers. I knew, and she knew, pretty quickly, that we were mates. Like soul mates, as you’ve said in your world. We didn’t mark one another until much later, though, and Suki was quickly conceived."

Sarah swathed her arms around his back as much as she was able to. She kissed his skin, the indents of the tracings ridging along her lips.

He paused, his heartbeat raging in his chest. She knew that the next words out of his mouth were like arrows to his soul, poison-tipped. She knew the feeling, and she knew it well.

“She died in an accident when Suki was seven. It was sudden. I was recovering from a battle and wasn’t present at the time.”

Sarah’s eyes welled with tears, as did her heart. His pain was so very crude and recent. She let him go on for as long as he needed to, encouraging him with strokes along his back and kisses along the corded muscles of his shoulders.

“I didn’t know how to deal with it. I don’t think there exists a race in the galaxy that does. You hurt, but you are told to go on. I didn’t want to go on. But I did it for Suki. She has so much life ahead of her.”
