Page 2 of The Hidden Hunter

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"This is Kevin Paulson, a human residing on ten acres adjacent to DuCane property and State land. He purchased it around ten years ago but recently began building a cabin on the property, and it appears that he is going to remain there." Archer looked at the picture of the man on the monitor and thought how happy and fulfilled he looked. The cherry blond hair cut nicely and curled in spots around his forehead and ears. His light brown eyes seemed to flash with expectation.

"Why he decided to relegate himself to a cabin in the woods is his own business. He purchased the land, and therefore, he can do with it what he chooses. The problem arises with the cougars." Silas put up on the screen the leader of the cougar faction in this area, Billy Burns, and his band of misfits.

"They've been harassing him, but our guy here does not feed into their antics, and so far, nothing irreparable has happened. They even met with Master DuCane, trying to push their point, which went nowhere. Kevin Paulson owns the land, and they have no claims, and if it meant that much to them, they should have bought it when it came up for sale." Archer could sense that Silas was having an issue with the cougars, but then they tended to be worthless, deceitful liars, especially Billy Burns.

"They have not taken Master DuCane's words to heart and have continued to cause the man trouble. I don't want this escalating and Kevin Paulson getting hurt. He has no firearms, so they have no call to be afraid he will shoot them when they're on a run. The man is not a hunter or farmer. He buys his provisions in town. From what I have gathered, he simply wants to be left alone, and I want you to make sure that happens." Silas stood and walked over to the monitor that once again held Kevin's picture.

“Sheriff Keller has met with Kevin on our request and to let him know he can call the authorities if Billy and his gang get to be too much. He didn't seem to think that the authorities would be necessary. The Sheriff said that all the man wants is to keep a low profile and to just live his life. Apparently, his life crashed, and this is him trying to put it back together." Silas respected the man; that was obvious.

“It’s always best to go back to the basics when starting over.” Archer agreed.

"I want you to keep an eye on him for a couple weeks and make sure those idiots don't try to run him off. Stay hidden, but take care of him. I know this isn't your usual case, but you're the only one who can deal with this, whatever it turns out to be, and leave no trace." Silas just paid him a huge compliment, and Archer was feeling quite good about it.

“I’ll take care of it, sir.” He stated confident that a few cougars and a hapless human were not going to be too much trouble.

Kevin rose early and started a pot of coffee. Johnny left during the night to do a little hunting or just survey his territory. He would be back as soon as he heard Kevin moving about. He wouldn't want to miss out on breakfast.

The sun was up, and the day looked like it would be perfect for working on his front porch. Kevin had done the framing and completed the steps, and today, he would put down the floor and build his railings.

He decided to make the railings interesting, so he began carving leaf and flower designs in the wood. It would take longer, but the finished product would be worth it. There is no sense in everything being utilitarian. A man has to have some beauty and interest in his life. He was toying with the idea of putting the same design on the shutters he had yet to make.

"Paulson!" He recognized the voice, so he did not hurry to respond. He took a long swig of his coffee and stretched before walking outside. The man had identified himself as Billy Burns, a local hunter who, for some reason, believed that Kevin somehow meant to impede his ability to hunt.

"Just stay off my ten acres, and you can hunt all you like. I don't care, and I won't get in your way." He said as he came to stand a few feet in front of Billy.

"You don't want to be here, mister." He said in a somewhat menacing manner. "You could get hurt."

"Don't start making threats, Billy; that never ends well. I don't want to deal with the authorities, and you just want to hunt, so why don't you hunt and leave me alone." Kevin told him, and suddenly Billy started to get into his face as if that would make any difference. He seemed too angry about the situation. "Why are you so angry, Billy?" That made him stop for a moment and think, but then he got right back to bluff charging.

"You don't belong here. This isn't your land; you should leave." He returned to the arguments of the very first day, so Kevin decided to end the conversation. There was no solution to be had today, and he was tired of dealing with this moron.

"Get off my land, Billy." He shouted back over his shoulder, and Billy started to run at him. Kevin turned and prepared himself for impact, but Billy ended up in a crumpled heap on the ground about two feet in front of him. Kevin wasn't sure what happened had the idiot tripped over something in his rush for payback.

"Someone shot me." Billy gasped and started checking his leg, but there was nothing indicating that he'd been shot.

"I didn't hear anything. I think you just stumbled. Now, be on your way. I don't have time for your lunacy today." Kevin again turned back toward his cabin, and then he heard Billy gasp once again. He turned and saw Billy getting to his feet and running away as if he thought someone was after him. Kevin was thankful for whatever put the run on Billy, but he sincerely doubted that anyone was shooting at him. Billy was just being a drama queen who refused to take responsibility for his own ineptness.


Archer got situated in his blind high up in one of the pines two days ago and spent his time studying Kevin, getting familiar with his surroundings, and tracking the cougars. Apart from Kevin's cat, no one knew he was there. The cat sniffed him out a few hours after he arrived but didn't pay him too much mind. Hopefully, he doesn't make a nuisance of himself. He wasn't surprised when Billy made an appearance. He was working himself up to a confrontation.

He could tell Billy was spoiling for trouble the minute he walked up to Kevin's cabin; he had a swagger and arrogance that didn't belong. Kevin handled it well, trying to play down their troubles and diffuse his anger, but Billy wanted a fight because, as a cougar shifter, the fucking coward knew that he would win. When he ran at him that last time, he'd planned to do Kevin some damage, so Archer decided to return the compliment.

He clipped Billy in the ankle with a chalk bullet. It consisted of a compound of chalk and glycerin and was developed by DuCane Industries. They were better than rubber bullets because they left no trace. It hurt and would slow a man down but did no permanent damage. He had to hit the idiot one more time before he was ready to clear out. Billy was not known for his strategic thinking. He was simply a brute.

Kevin went inside, and Archer kept watch on Billy until he got onto his four-wheeler and headed out. He would be back, maybe not today, but he would be back. He watched as Kevin came back outside with a dish filled with what he assumed was cat food because as soon as he shook it and called out to Johnny Orlando, what a name, the cat came hustling to the cabin all hungry and excited.

Archer found himself enthralled by the way Kevin held and cuddled the little creature and how his love for that animal was so obvious. Kevin had a lot to give and no one to give it to. Johnny Orlando was a good focus for his love and attention, and that little beast would not betray him.

Johnny was an old cat and had probably spent most of his years outside with his torn left ear, blunted tail, and the thread-bare condition of his fur; he clearly fought for his existence. They would be good together.

He stayed in his blind for the rest of the day and continued assessing the surroundings and Kevin’s safety. He enjoyed watching the man go about his day clearing his yard, working on his cabin, and preparing lunch and dinner for himself and Johnny. He never forgot the cat.

All of this was done in silence, with just the sounds of his work and the outdoors filling the air. If that doesn't heal a man, nothing will, in Archer's opinion. After the sunset, Kevin moved inside and looked to be preparing a cup of coffee and some sausage and beans. The large window on the north side of the cabin could seriously do with a curtain.

He understood the need to be one with nature but don’t advertise your situation and conditions when you have halfwits after you. Archer paid special attention to the area beside and beyond the window to make sure that no one but him was observing the man.

Kevin cleaned up and stripped down to just his boxer briefs. It was a warm night, and he wanted to be comfortable. The confrontation with Billy Burns had left him unsettled and a little paranoid. The guy did not strike him as someone who would resort to violence, but clearly, he was wrong. If the clumsy oaf hadn't stumbled and fallen, he had planned to jump Kevin from behind.
